MAINTAIN ROUTINES. Establish a regular time & place for studying & homework Prepare book bag & lay out clothes the night before No screen time after 9 p.m. Establish & enforce solid bedtimes and bedtime routines
National Sleep Foundation and-sleep
CHECK I.C. All assignments, grades, and schedules are available for parent & student viewing Updated minimum every 5 weeks Weekly checks recommended
ANTICIPATE FAILURE. Few freshmen enter with necessary skills We can only teach & model; they must DO Failure can often be an effective instructor & motivator “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” Sir Winston Churchill
What if my child is struggling? Ask what your child is doing or has done: seeing the teacher outside of class? Visiting the Learning Center? Working with Mr. Curtin in Learning Strategies? Contact the teacher directly. They will have very specific knowledge of what your child is & isn’t doing to succeed. Enlist Mr. Curtin’s help.