Spring 2014 Freshman Scheduling Class of 2018 Class of 2018
Today’s Agenda Review the information from the Freshman Scheduling Night Learn about credits, GPA, diploma tracks, and 4 year plans Complete the pink schedule form Learn how to enter your course requests in Skyward Answer Qs
What is 21 st Century Scholars? Indiana program for 7 th and 8 th grade students to apply for scholarship money for college. Acceptance is based on family income. Once accepted you remain in the program through high school as long as you… Remain drug and alcohol free Are not involved in any criminal activity Maintain a 2.5 GPA in high school Complete application and return with your schedule.
When can I go to Central 9?
Scheduling Materials Pink Scheduling Form Short form is for those who were accepted into EC Long form is for all others If accepted into EC, you will have both forms stapled in case you decide to decline your EC acceptance. Only turn in one form. High School Website (Under Guidance Tab) High School Freshman Scheduling Power Point Academic Guide Appeals Form for requesting honors classes Application Electives Global Campus (Under Academics Tab)
Scheduling Materials Early College forms- shorter (If accepted into EC you will have both long and short form stapled together in case you decide to decline EC acceptance. Return only one.) Regular forms- longer Academic Guide (online through the HS Guidance website) Course descriptions, info on weighted grades, diploma tracks, etc. Freshman Parent Night PowerPoint HS Guid. website) This Power Point (See Middle School North Website homepage)
What to Expect at the HS? Pd. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 Red Days Pd. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 White Days First Day of School is a Pink Day (all classes) Three lunch periods (A, B, C) A is before pd. 5 and 6 B is half way through pd. 5 and 6 C is after pd. 5 and 6 You are assigned your lunch period Passing periods are 6-7 minutes
Tips for Organization Students wear backpacks and hardly use their locker Many students have purchased two backpacks, one for Red Day and one for White Day. Use your agenda! IPADS (you will learn more about this from the HS)
What is a GPA?
What are the Diploma Tracks?
Begin to sketch your 4 year plan
The Scheduling Label It should have your name on it. What is listed is what is recommended for you. You can take any or all honors classes listed on the label. If Early College is listed on your label, that means that you have applied to EC and have been accepted.
Early College/Honors Question What if you are in EC and have honors recommendations listed? You can be in EC and take honors classes. EC language and EC world geography are taught together. Therefore, you must take both classes in EC or both have to be honors level. You cannot be EC in one and honors in the other.
Honors Question If you would like to take an honors class and are not recommended, you will need to appeal online to the HS. Go to the HS website Click on the Guidance Tab Appeal for Honors classes
What is a Course Number? What is a Credit Hour?
Courses that are year long have two numbers divided by a slash (ex. EN 111/112). Courses that are one semester only have one number (PE101). The numbers beside the courses are the course numbers.
Courses that are year long are worth 2 credits (ex. EN 111/112). Courses that are one semester only are worth 1 credit (PE101).
Required Courses and Electives
Required Course English Math Biology Geography Orientation to Life and Careers (Keystone) PE (if not in Early College) Computer Applications I and II (if in Early College)
Choir MU 125 Choir MU 126 Art AR101 Entrepreneeurship BU 141
FL 141/142 Spanish
Drawing I is possible. See Mrs. McCarry or Mrs. Stremming if interested.
You can get dual college credit as a freshman with BU 105/107
Intro to Engineering/ Weighted Class
World Languages Options are: Spanish I, Spanish II French I, French II German I Chinese I To take a WL the student must have a B- or above in 8 th grade Language Arts and Math (first semester average) If you are currently in a world language and are unsure if you are ready to move on to the second year of that world language, talk to your teacher or Mrs. McCarry/Mrs. Stremming.
Biomedical /Weighted Class
Must Submit an Application
Global Campus To apply: Go to the HS Website Click on Academics Click on Global Campus
With your parents, circle the diploma track that you would like to work towards. Each year you will evaluate your diploma track and can make changes.
Be sure that both you & your parent/guardian sign the form and give contact information!
On-Line Scheduling On-line scheduling will be opened today. Access on-line scheduling through Skyward. Your Pink Schedule should match what you select online. Need help with online scheduling? See us in the 8 th grade computer lab on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 7:30-8:30.
Online Course Requests are not available in the new version of Skyward Family Access. Click ‘Back to Prior Student Access’ to return to the old version.
Available Classes to Select
Highlight a course and click the add button. Any mistake can be removed. Adding Course Selections
Use the MOVE UP and MOVE DOWN buttons to make sure your alternates are ranked in the order of importance. R= Required course Adding Alternates/Prioritizing
Double Check (pink form should match final selections)
Scheduling Time-line Wednesday, Feb. 5 Deadline to submit an Honors Appeal Thursday, Feb. 6 Pink Schedules due to Student Services Course requests put into Skyward Friday, Feb. 21 Individual meetings with your high school counselor. We will set up a 5 minute meeting for you. We will post a schedule on Thursday and have passes delivered during Connect on Friday.
Entire HS Scheduling Power Point available online on the Middle School North website.