Amandela Jones
Think of all the reasons you shouldn’t go to class. Realize you have a quiz or homework to turn in. Press snooze three more times before you finally get out of bed.
Go to class in your pj’s and Uggs. Continue your rest, check your facebook in the back of class of your class if you remembered to bring your laptop, or day dream of the things you wish you where doing. Head to the café on main campus between classes. Get the same thing you had to eat yesterday…and the day before.
Talk yourself out of going to your other classes. Wait for the bus that’s never on time. Wish you had wore more than just leggings since it’s so cold out.
Take a nap or attempt to do some homework. Return to the café once your attempt fails. Find more ways to avoid doing homework.
Check your mailbox on the way in knowing there’s nothing there. Go work your on campus job; where shifts are only two hours long, and you really don’t do anything. Consider working out but settle for watching MTV.
Get ready to go out even though it’s Tuesday. Blast your music in your dorm room while doing it. Squeeze into a packed car of friends, after all transportation is limited.
Have a great time, until you get caught doing something you shouldn’t be doing. Remember that you left your i.d upstairs, and wait outside until someone lets you in the dorms. Check your facebook.
Go to the Bernhard to start your 4 pages paper due in a few hours. Stop and get some taco, and talk to everyone else that had the same plan as you. 45 minutes later get a computer, check your facebook, and then get started.
Wake up in the bernhard, with a half finished paper. Skip your first class so you can finish it. Go to your second one and fall asleep there, wake up at the end for the quiz.