Mrs. Collins A-C Mrs. Chancey D-HE Mrs. Facey-Poitier HI-ME Ms. Duncan MI-SC Mrs. Norgan SE-Z C LASS OF 2018
4 YEAR /24 C REDITS G RADUATION R EQUIREMENTS 4 English 4 Math : Must include Alg. 1 and Geometry 3 Science: Must include Biology 3 Social Studies: Must include World Hist., US Hist, US Gov & Econ. 1 Fine/Performing Arts 1 Physical Education: Must include Personal Fitness or HOPE 8 Electives Passing score on Grade 10 ELA Assessment Passing score on Algebra 1 EOC Cumulative 2.0 GPA Online Learning Course 2 World Languages (required for admission to State Universities/BF; strongly recommended by Florida College System)
E ND OF COURSE EXAMS EOC’ S Passing scores required: Grade 10 ELA (English Language Arts) Algebra 1 EOC In subject’s requiring an EOC, the EOC counts for 30% of the final grade Algebra 1 Geometry Biology US History Algebra 2 (if enrolled)
M ERIT D ESIGNATION In addition to meeting the standard high school diploma requirements: Attain one or more industry certifications
S CHOLAR D ESIGNATION In addition to meeting the standard high school diploma requirements: Pass the ELA Grade 11 statewide assessment Earn 1 credit in Algebra II (must pass Alg. 2 EOC) Pass the Geometry EOC Earn 1 credit in statistics or an equally rigorous mathematics course Pass the Biology EOC Earn 1 credit in Chemistry or Physics Earn 1 credit in a course equally rigorous to Chemistry or Physics Pass the U.S. History EOC Earn 2 credits in the same world language Earn at least 1 credit in an AP or Dual-Enrollment course
P ROMOTION R EQUIREMENTS 10 th grade – 5 Credits earned & completed 1 year in HS 11 th grade – 11 Credits earned & completed 2 years in HS 12 th grade – 17 Credits earned & completed 3 years in HS SEMESTERYEAR Individual Class.5 credit(A,B,C or D)1 credit (A,B,C or D) Total Classes3.5 credits (A,B,C or D)7 credits (A,B,C or D)
S EMESTER G RADES C OURSES WITHOUT AN EOC Nine Weeks Grade 40% of Semester Grade Quarter Exam Grade 10% of Semester Grade Nine Weeks Grade 40% of Semester Grade Quarter Exam Grade 10% of Semester Grade SEMESTER ( TRANSCRIPT ) GRADE 85B65D80B60DC
C OURSE G RADES WITH EOC Semester Grade 35% of Course Grade Semester Grade 35% of Course Grade EOC Results 30% of Course Grade SEMESTER (TRANSCRIPT) GRADE (COURSES WITH AN EOC) 85B80B65DC *77.25C *PCSB will convert EOC scores to calculate final course grade
G RADE P OINT A VERAGE Class Letter Grade Points Class: English 1 Grade: B Points: 3 GPA= Total points earned/Total of classes taken Grade points A = 4 PTS B= 3 PTS C= 2 PTS D= 1 PTS F= 0 PTS Weighted GPA Honors =.5 point Advanced Placement = 1 point Dual Enrollment = 1 point
GPA CALCULATION English 1 HonB3.5 Algebra 1C2 Earth/Space A4 PEA4 Draw/PaintC2 Spanish 1D1 ROTCA4___ Total points 20.5
GPA CALCULATION Total points = 20.5 Total classes = 7 GPA= Total points/total class Weighted GPA= 20.5/7 Weighted GPA = Un-weighted GPA=20/7 Un-weighted GPA=2.857
O NLINE V IRTUAL E DUCATION G RADUATION R EQUIREMENT Student/Parent requests the course on (complete instructions are available on the GJHS website) Return a completed ‘Notification of Registration for Florida Virtual School Class’ form to your counselor Your counselor will check to make sure you’ve requested the correct course and approve the course. FLVS/PVS will place you with a teacher. FLVS may take a few weeks. PVS may take only a few days. Continue to check your FLVS account for placement
B RIGHT F UTURES WWW. FLORIDASTUDENTFINANCIALAID. ORG WWW. FLORIDASTUDENTFINANCIALAID. ORG WWW. FLORIDASTUDENTFINANCIALAID. ORG Florida Academic Scholarship Florida Medallion Scholarship Gold Seal Vocational Scholarship Always refer to the website at for changes in scholarship requirements BF requirements subject to change
F LORIDA A CADEMIC S CHOLARS 4 English 4 Math (Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra II, + Higher Math) 3 Natural Sciences 3 Social Sciences 2 years in same Foreign Language 3.5 GPA in these Academic Courses SAT 1290 or ACT 29 100 Hours of Community Service BF requirements subject to change
F LORIDA M EDALLION S CHOLARS 4 English 4 Math (Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra II, + Higher Math) 3 Natural Sciences 3 Social Sciences 2 years in same Foreign Language 3.0 GPA in these Academic Courses SAT 1170 or ACT 26 75 Hours of Community Service BF requirements subject to change
G OLD S EAL V OCATIONAL S CHOLARS Gold Seal applies only to vocational certifications. Gold Seal doesn’t pay for courses leading to an AA or AS. 4 English 4 Mathematics (including Algebra 1) 3 Natural Sciences 3 Social Sciences 1 Fine/Practical Art 1 Physical Education 3 Credits in one vocational program 3.0 weighted GPA overall/3.5 un-weighted GPA Career Courses 30 CSH SAT – Rd 440/M 440 ACT – E 17/Rd 18/M 19 Pert - Rd 104/Wt 99/M 113 BF requirements subject to change
Begin to think about what you will do after high school – college, vocational training, field of study. Begin looking at possible careers and education requirements. Maintain good attendance, grades and citizenship. Take school work seriously because every year and course counts.
Attend class everyday Do all your homework and class work Ask for extra help or extra credit. Build relationships with your teachers, they are here for you Know who your counselor is and become familiar with all that GJHS can offer you
Take advantage of after school tutoring if needed Know your graduation requirements and monitor your academic progress on If you're thinking about college, know the Bright Futures Scholarship Program ( and state university Look for Scholarships online at
Q & A