COUNCIL MEMBERS Gretchen Looney, Assistant Principal Ruth Passarello, English Teacher Jessica Patterson, Parent Tamara Scott, Business Partner & PTSA President Eyamba Williams, School Counselor Marcellus J. Holt, Director of School Counseling Frances Ridgell, Middle School Counselor Diane Hansford, School Counselor/Testing Coordinator Carmella Elliot, School Counselor Intern Adrian Bosier, Middle School Student Miles Count, High School Student
SCHOOL COUNSELING GOALS Goal 1: To increase the Graduation rate from 98.4% to 99.4%– a 1% increase. Goal 2: All eighth grade students will chose a career path during their Individual Graduation Plan meeting with the assistance of their school counselor. Goal 3: To reduce the amount of freshman failures for school year from 4.6% to 2.8% - a 1.8% decrease.
ADDITIONAL NOTES AND REQUESTS FROM LAST MEETING Enhance the use of technology used by the school counseling department Create lessons for freshman regarding time management Increase the use of small-group for identified at-risk students
TECHNOLOGY USE School counseling website updated with relevant information for SOA students Several tabs for students and parents to select AP Tab IGP Tab Family Connection Tab Parchment Tab
GOAL 1: TO INCREASE THE GRADUATION RATE FROM 98.4% TO 99.4%– A 1% INCREASE Guidance curriculum used extensively Open House- 9/25/13 Classroom School Curriculum Lesson: Are You Ready for Grad- 8/24/2013 Freshman Focus classroom curriculum presentations shared Small group counseling for academic assistance Senior Information Night/Financial Aid Night Letters sent out to failing seniors Using blended learning option through Edgenuity for students struggling academically
GOAL 3: ALL EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS WILL CHOSE A CAREER PATH DURING THEIR INDIVIDUAL GRADUATION PLAN MEETING WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF THEIR SCHOOL COUNSELOR Individual Planning used extensively All students that attend SOA had an Individual Graduation Plan meeting. At this time 100% of SOA student population have had an IGP conference conducted. 99% of eighth grade SOA students have selected a career path from the 16 South Carolina Career Clusters One eighth grade student was apprehensive to list a career path that she was anticipating seeking. 100% of eighth grade students have taken a career assessment and know how to access SCOIS website
TO REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF FRESHMAN FAILURES FOR SCHOOL YEAR FROM 4.6% TO 2.8% - A 1.5% DECREASE IN THE FAILURE RATE. Small groups were conducted to focus on study skills and time management techniques Additionally, counselors shared time management techniques with freshman focus classrooms with all freshman Mr. Holt and Mrs. Williams worked together on this goal
CONTINUATION OF RESULTS DATA The academic achievement rate for freshman decreased from 95% in to 92% in This data reflects a decline in our academic achievement rate; however, our passage rate for common ninth grade EOC course exams have either stayed consistent or increased. Mrs. Williams realized that students who had 100% participation were more likely to pass academic classes post group. Students who did not attend as much were more likely to have no significant impact on the amount of classes they passed
OVERALL INFORMATION This goal was not met In the summer we will continue to research and attempt to identify reasons why freshman academic achievement is declining at SOA More Freshman attended summer school
WHAT DO WE DO WITH THE RESULTS? Inform the School Counseling department To continue with small groups in future Use small group in RAMP application Share data with administration Refer students to small group Encourage teachers to use solution focused approaches rather than identifying deficits for academic struggling students