The Green Smart Factory - “Saving money and keeping the environment safe by thinking smart” Team #4: Alviz, Catherine Castano, Andres Lezcano, Hansel Polanco, Victor Sousa, Carlos Experiment Mentor: Prof. Wilmer Arellano Senior Design Mentor: Dr. Osama Mohammed
Introduction Senior Design Project Definition of a PV System Types of PV Systems Arduino kit Sample circuit Microcontroller – algorithm explanation Relay operation explanation Live demonstration
Catherine Alviz Electrical Engineering Major specializing in Microcomputers Work experience in design, maintenance, and assemblage of electronic equipment Catherine Alviz Electrical Engineering Major specializing in Microcomputers Work experience in design, maintenance, and assemblage of electronic equipment Andres Castano Electrical Engineering Major specializing in Control Systems Focus on the control design, and has experience in PV installation and design, fire suppression controls systems Andres Castano Electrical Engineering Major specializing in Control Systems Focus on the control design, and has experience in PV installation and design, fire suppression controls systems Hansel Lezcano Computer Engineering Major Responsible for all the Matlab programming inside the controller Hansel Lezcano Computer Engineering Major Responsible for all the Matlab programming inside the controller Victor Polanco Electrical Engineering Major specializing in Power Systems Confronts all energy related problems Electrical Technician experience Victor Polanco Electrical Engineering Major specializing in Power Systems Confronts all energy related problems Electrical Technician experience Carlos Sousa Electrical Engineering Major specializing in Power Systems Team Leader Experience in assembly of Mechanical equipment Carlos Sousa Electrical Engineering Major specializing in Power Systems Team Leader Experience in assembly of Mechanical equipment
Original project from an innovative ideas – improvement/different approach to existing design Research, design, and implementation throughout two semesters (or one, depending on major) Working in teams and managing time properly are the key Platform for new inventions and excellent way to showcase the leadership and technical qualities of the FIU student population
Development of an Energy Management System Two sources: solar and utility Multiple loads: motors, and lighting Renewable source will be used when utility rates are high Goal is to reduce electricity costs without disturbing the loads Vital aspects of our Senior Design Project: – Multidisciplinary collaboration and successful teamwork – Developing a plan of action – Detailed research of the topic – Work with anticipation!
Figure 1 – Grid Connected PV System
1.Monocrystalline Cells cut from a single crystal of silicon They are a slice of crystal indeed In appearance, it will have a smooth texture and you will be able to see the thickness of the slice. Most efficient and the most expensive to produce. Rigid and must be mounted in a rigid frame to protect them.
2. Policrystalline Cells are effectively a slice cut from a block of silicon Large number of crystals Speckled reflective appearance Less efficient and less expensive than monocrystalline cells Rigid frame needed
3. Amorphous cells They are assembled by placing a thin film of amorphous (non crystalline) silicon onto a wide choice of surfaces Least efficient / least expensive Flexible Power output reduces over time, particularly during the first few months, after which time they are basically stable The quoted output of an amorphous panel should be that produced after this stabilization
Figure 3 – Old house renewed with solar panels Figure 2 – Photovoltaic Power Station in Germany
Is an open-source single-board microcontroller Easily implemented in various multidisciplinary projects Programmed using language similar to C++ Detailed explanations are provided for each exercise Vital to understand the operation of a microcontroller and how it can operate certain components! Figure 4 – Size of Arduino Board
Two sources will be used – solar panel and battery Microcontroller will switch from one to another depending on which is generating higher voltage Relay will perform switching operation Figure 5 – Circuit assembly
1.analogRead() The analogRead() method reads the value of an analog input pin. Possible values range is , where 0 is 0 volts and 1023 is 5 volts.
2. if (conditional) and ==, !=, (comparison operators) if, which is used in conjunction with a comparison operator, tests whether a certain condition has been reached, such as an input being above a certain number. The format for an if test is:
Is an electrically operated switch Used to control different loads or sources with a single circuit Various types – DPDT to be used in this sample exercise Figure 6 – DPDT RelayFigure 7 – Wiring Diagram of DPDT
SD project – final step in the pursue of your degree Teamwork, organization, and communication are key! PV Systems are growing throughout the industry Monocristallyne, policristallyne, and amorphous panels Sample assignment includes Microcontrollers, Transistors, and Motors – some of the most frequently used components in a Senior Design Project