Welcome to Pomona High School 9 th Grade Information Night
Agenda Introductions Schedule Student Expectations Accessing Information and Staff Infinite Campus Academic Success Tips Questions?
The Principal Andy Geise
Counselors Suzanne Ellis (A-Di) Jennifer Sullivan (Dj-La) Paul Oser (Lb-Rd) Chuck Runge (Re-Z)
School Schedule Refer pg.14 in the Student Planner
School Schedule Always available on PHS website Counselor Hint: Students should avoid unexcused absences and tardies.
Expectations Study Hall Most freshmen have Study Hall Attendance is required Students earn.25 credit each semester, grade is P/F based on attendance Counselor Hint: Successful students use Study Hall wisely
Panther Time All students are assigned to Advisement Monday and Wednesday only, between 1st and 2nd periods Panther Time- pass to another classroom for help Students earn.25 credit per year, grade is P/F based on attendance Counselor Hint: Successful students seek out teachers in areas where they need help.
Utility Time = Student Achievement On Silver Days (Monday and Wednesday) A time for teachers to collaborate, monitor the progress of students, plan, and design effective instruction. Students can be at Pomona during Utility Time to get homework done, eat breakfast, or socialize, but teachers may not be available. Students may also choose to get a little extra sleep instead of arriving early since class begins at 8:15 on Silver Days.
Closed Campus Freshmen and sophomores may not leave campus Counselor Hint: Leaving campus is a privilege, not a right. It must be earned.
Dress Code No hats or bandanas allowed in the building during the school day No clothing with obscene language, pictures, drug, alcohol, or tobacco references Girls- No revealing garments or undergarments showing Boys- No sagging pants that show undergarments Counselor Hint: Be sensible with your apparel so you don’t have to wear a school provided shirt
Panther Pride Wednesday- Dress-up Day Thursday- College Day Friday- Pomona Day (sometimes a “blackout day) Counselor Hint: Join in and have fun with your classmates
Student Planner Easy way to keep track of homework due dates Important information in the front- for students and parents – School phone numbers – Graduation requirements – Attendance policies – Code of conduct – Bell schedule Counselor Hint: Good organization will lead to good grades
Pomona Website Google- Pomona High School Arvada, Colorado bookmark this pagebookmark this page Counselor Hint: Know and Show your Panther Pride, take responsibility and keep yourself informed
Infinite Campus Just three easy steps
Contacting Teachers Teachers – is preferred Find addresses on PHS website and Infinite Campus Teachers check voic once a day Counselor Hint: Communicate with your teachers regularly they are here to help you
Contacting Counselors
Counselors Help Students Academic Social Emotional (community resources) College planning Career Planning Counselors Website
Graduation Requirements Class of 2016 English 4.0 credits Social Studies 3.5 credits Mathematics 3.0 credits (Must include Algebra 1, Geometry and one course above the level of Geometry.) Science 3.0 credits P. E..5 credits Elective Courses 8.5 credits Fine Arts/CTE.5 credits Total Credits Needed: 23.0
ICAP Colorado legislation now requires that all 9- 12th graders complete their ICAP (Individual Career and Academic Plan) with their parents/guardians each year. Research has proven that purposeful academic planning in all grades increases college and workforce readiness.
ICAP ICAP's - Naviance, a web-based tool that provides career, college, and scholarship resources available 24/7. Ask your Freshman how to log on. Designed to assist students in exploring their interests, making career choices, comparing colleges, and finding financial aid sources.
Naviance Make sure to add your students address in Jeffco Connect so they receive alerts about scholarships, volunteer opportunities, etc. Counselor Tip: Log-in to Naviance and look at the Early Scholars scholarship.
Teens & Stress Multiple causes can include: family problems, overload, finances, future, high expectations, friends, pressures, illness, etc. Look for Physical, Mental or Emotional Signs – headaches, stomach aches, eating/sleeping disorders, agitation/violence For more information and ideas of what to do, pick up a handout in the back.
Panthers Get Involved The easiest way to make friends is participate in an school activity. – Clubs Clubs – Sports Counselor Hint: College Admissions and Scholarship Committees look at the whole student