Course Selection Presentation
A total of 28 credits is required for a traditional diploma ◦ Of those 28 required credits you need the following: English – 4 credits being English I,II,III & IV or Comp English I Math – 4 credits, must have Algebra I & II and Geometry Social Studies – 4 credits which are MS Studies, World Geography, World History, US History, US Gov. & Economics. Science – 4 credits, must take Biology I and either Chemistry or Physical Science Computer – 1 credit of ICT II or STEM, or any other approved technology course. Physical Education – ½ credit of Varsity sport or PE or Band Fine Art – 1 credit in Band, Choir, Show Choir, Theater or Visual Art Health – ½ credit Public Speaking – ½ credit The following slides will help explain those in detail.
ENGLISH (4)Credit 9 th grade - English 1, Honors or Accelerated th grade - English II, Honors or Accelerated th grade - English III or AP English Language th grade - English IV, or English Composition I (Senior Project) 1.0 ENGLISH: 4 credits – All students are required to earn a credit in English I, II, III, & IV (with Senior Project). Students may take an honors, accelerated, AP or college version of these courses if they meet the criteria. Writing I & II are prerequisites to English I & II and count as elective credits.
Grade Taken MATHEMATICS (4) *Required Course Credit 8 th Pre-Algebra th or 9 th Mathematics I (Trans to Alg I) th or 9 th *Algebra I th – 11 th *Geometry th – 12 th *Algebra II th or 12 th Algebra III (formerly Trig & Pre Cal) th Dual Credit Calculus th SREB Math Ready th College Algebra (ACT of 19 required) 1.0 MATHEMATICS: 4 Credits – Students must earn a credit in Algebra I & II and Geometry. Math courses without an asterisk will count for the 4 th math required for graduation. Students planning to attend a 4-year college or university immediately following high school must take one math higher than Geometry (i.e. – Algebra III, College Algebra, etc.) College Algebra is available for students that meet the criteria set by the college.
Grade taken SCIENCE (4)Credit 9 th or 10 th Introduction to Biology1.0 9 th or 10 th Biology I – required by all1.0 9 th or 10 th Concepts of Agriculture1.0 9 th or 10 th Earth & Space Science th & upBotany½ 10 th & upPhysical Science th & upZoology (prereq. Bio I)½ 10 th & upEnvironmental Science½ 10 th & upMarine and Aquatic Science with Field Exp (prereq. Bio & Chem) th & 12 th Chemistry (Alg. II required) th & 12 th Human A & P (prereq. Bio & Chem) th & 12 th Biology II (prereq. Chemistry) th & 12 th Physics (coreq/prereq. Alg III) 1.0 Science: 4 credits – All students are required to earn a credit in Biology I and either Physical Science or Chemistry. Pre-requisites are required for certain sciences.
Grade usually taken SOCIAL STUDIES – (4)Credit 9 th Mississippi Studies½ 9 th Intro. to World Geography ½ 10 th World History, ACT or AP th US History, ACT or AP US Hist th US Government or AP US Gov. ½ or th Economics½ Social Studies: 4 credits – Students must earn credit in all social studies courses listed at left. AP versions of these courses are available to student who meet the criteria.
OTHERS REQUIREDCredit Computer - ICT II, STEM, or any other course listed under Business/Technical Education 1.0 Health½ Physical Education - may be a PE course or a Band credit. ½ Oral Communication (Public Speaking) or Theater ½ Fine Art - Band, Choir, Show Choir, Theater (2 terms), Visual Art or Music Appreciation 1.0 Other Required Courses: 3 ½ credits All students must take these other required courses to the left in addition to the ones listed in the prior slides. Sports such as Baseball, Basketball, Cheerleading, Football, and Softball will count as a PE credit. An extra ½ credit of Theater is required in order to have it count towards an Oral Communication credit.
Additional electives are needed to earn the 28 credits required to graduate. Repeating courses such as Band, Baseball, Basketball, Cheer, Choir, Football, Show Choir, etc. will count as elective credits after the first ½ credit is earned in PE. Spanish I & II are not requirements for graduation, but are highly recommended for students planning to attend a 4-year college or university. Technical courses such as Culinary Arts, Automotive Services, Agricultural Mechanics, etc. will count towards elective credits. ALL STUDENTS MUST PASS ALL REQUIRED MISSISSIPPI SUBJECT AREA TESTS.
MISSISSIPPI IHL REQUIREMENTS TO ATTEND A 4-YEAR COLLEGE STRAIGHT OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL *** 1 Math higher than Algebra II (Pre-Cal/Trig, AP Statistics, Regular Statistics, or College Algebra) *** 2 Additional Advanced Elective which may include either: *2 years of a foreign language (i.e., Spanish I/II or French I/II) or *1 year of a foreign language & a 5th Math or a 5th Science (must be higher level courses) Please see Admissions Standards for Mississippi at the following website: IHL Admissions Standards For the most current information regarding College Preparatory Curriculum entrance requirements for Mississippi please refer to the following website: College Preparatory Curriculum (Required & RecommendedCollege Preparatory Curriculum (Required & Recommended) Select the “REQUIRED” criteria In addition to the above requirements, students must also meet the minimum ACT/SAT freshman entrance requirement. Check with your selected college for this requirement. Please note that these specific criteria apply only to colleges in the state of Mississippi. Other out-of-state schools may have different and/or additional requirements. You should contact these colleges directly with admission questions.
Progression 1 8 th Grade9 th Grade10 th Grade11 th Grade12 th Grade Math 8Math I/Pre- Alg Math I/ Algebra 1 Geometry or Algebra II Algebra II or Geometry Progression 2 8 th Grade9 th Grade10 th Grade11 th Grade12 th Grade Pre-Alg.Math I /Alg I Algebra II or Geometry Geometry or Algebra II *Alg III *College Algebra *Calculus Progression 3 8 th Grade9 th Grade10 th Grade11 th Grade12 th Grade Algebra IAlgebra II or Geometry Geometry or Algebra II Algebra III*Calculus *College Algebra (Your counselor is aware of the progression of the math courses. She will select the appropriate courses for each year based on the preceding math class and grades in that class)
All Career – Technical Programs are 2 year programs. Students must have 2 free elective credits each year during their 10 th and 11 th or their 11 th and 12 th grade years in order to complete a program. Students may not start a program during their senior year. Health Science Automotive Service Technology Culinary Arts Metal Fabrication Engineering Teacher Academy Construction Technology
Look at your ICAP in MSBridges and update the courses you have taken to see what courses you still need to take to be on track to graduate. You also have an ICAP in Active Student that may help you see what you have taken and passed so far. Look at the choice sheet to see what is being offered. Fill out your choice sheet and have a parent/guardian look at what you’ve chosen then both student and parent/guardian must sign the sheet. Login to your Active Student account and input your choices for next year. This may be done in the Career Center so you can have help if needed. You will also be able to turn in sheet right after you have finished if done in the Career Center. Once you have filled out your choice sheet and have it signed by you and a parent/guardian and you’ve put in your course requests in Active Student you MUST turn in your signed sheet to Mrs. Terri Pierce in the Career Center. Failure to turn in sheet or unsigned sheets will cause your choices to be deleted in Active Student. Courses will then be chosen for you by what you need to graduate and possibly not what you want.
Using Active Student to choose classes
STEP 3: Click on Add New Course Requests
Step 5: After selecting course click Submit Course Request
STEP 7: Once all the courses you wish to take are in Active Student you must give your SIGNED choice sheet to Mrs. Terri Pierce in the Career Center. Remember a parent or guardian signature is required along with the students and phone numbers for both is needed before turning in the sheet. A course request in Active Student that does not have a signed course sheet in the Career Center will be deleted.
STEP 8: If you and/or your parent or guardian would like to meet with the counselor to plan out your courses for next year you must make an appointment. All appointments must be made in the Registrar office by Mrs. Bonita Cooper.
1. A student seeking participation in graduation exercises and the earning of a standard high school diploma must make a passing score on any required subject area tests. 2. All seniors will be required to take a math course. 3. Seniors are required to produce an Exhibition of Achievement (a project in an area of interest that demonstrates research, writing, and oral presentation skills.) 4. Any senior who is assigned to the alternative school on the last day of student attendance for the school year will not be allowed to participate in graduation ceremonies. 5. The last year of attendance (regular or early graduation) will be considered the senior year and all senior requirements must be met. 6. Any senior failing to meet the attendance criteria will not participate in the graduation ceremony. 7. College Days: Juniors are allowed 1 college visit. Seniors are allowed 2 (1 per semester). Visits must be preapproved through the counseling department in order to be considered school business. 8. Policy for Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit Students who wish to enroll in a college course during regular high school hours must meet the following requirements: Students must pre-register Be pre-approved by the high school counselor Meet all requirements for dual enrollment for the institution in which enrolling Classes will be filled by seniority. Dual credit may also be earned for these courses on a one to one basis. See your counselor for complete information. Students are responsible for any fees.
To sign up for the ACT go to ACTSTUDENT.ORG