FarmHouse Fraternity University of idaho Strategic Plan of Action 2001
Vision Statement “As members of our Fraternity, we have the opportunity to become builders of men. Through our active leaders, who are motivated by pride, we will strive to pursue higher levels of achievement through scholarship, social, and moralality by maintaining the honor and integrity that FarmHouse Fraternity was built upon.
Mission Statement “Through Brotherhood, We Build the Complete Man”
Overview of Strategic Plan The basis of this strategic plan is to provide written and organized objectives and goals in important areas of programming for the fraternity. It is also to provide needed direction in the annual change of offices. The information will be used throughout the year and reviewed on a regular basis by the entire house. An annual review will be utilized to revise and redirect any areas needed. These goals were set by the 2001 officer team.
External Trends Affecting our Fraternity Overall decrease in Greek Members Other fraternities going dry Media negativity Individual attitude – People don’t need a Fraternity High School students are drinking less College is necessity, not an option University is working toward becoming dry Preconceived notion of Fraternities IFC Rules Summary Fraternities on campus are becoming more like we are Fraternities overall are seeing a decrease in good members More of a challenge to compete for guys Bad reputation through media exposure
Focus Areas Scholarship Financial Recruitment Retention Campus/Community Image Alumni Relation House Maintenance/Pride Leadership
Scholarship Key Action Steps ChampionCompletion Date Measurement 1.House GPA at 3.0 or above 2.85% of the house at or above the all- greek average for previous semester 3.No more than 2 pledges not making grades 4.No member or pledge below a 2.0 GPA 5.Follow by-laws according to scholarship with members Year Round, checked at mid-terms Scholarship Chair with help from e-board. 2 nd Vice President with the help from e-board Scholarship Chair with help from e-board. Scholarship Chair with support from the chapter Year Round, checked at mid-terms Year Round Scholarship Chair with help from e-board. Year Round, checked at mid-terms Year Round House GPA at semester 85% or above at end of semester See who we initiate Determine where we sit at mid-terms and finals Members need to be responsible for there grades and lack thereof requires removal
Financial Key Action Steps ChampionCompletion Date Measurement 1.Meet Budget (or below) 2.No-one with a house bill over $ days past due 3.Cap house bill at $490/month and $1850 a semester. 4.Pay $4000 in back- rent by fundraising 5.Turn-over all accounts receivables with recommendations from E-board Year Round Treasurer with support of e-board and chapter Treasurer with help of budgeted officers Philanthropy Chairs with help of chapter Treasurer and President Year Round Treasurer with help of officers with budgets Per semester, 5/10/01 1/22/01 Determined by balance throughout semester Starts with this semester dues. No one with bills Not allowing house bills to get higher. Over/under budget Everyone does there part, rent is paid. Collecting $6000 by end of this semester
Recruitment Key Action Steps ChampionCompletion Date Measurement 1.23 Pledges per year 2.Chapter will not bid anyone below a 2.5 GPA. 3.E-board will revamp our current rush program 03/05/01 Chapter E-board, agreed upon by the chapter Next year, every rush Rush Chair with support from the chapter Membership rises by 23 people Eliminating people with 2.5 or lower during rush E-board develops a plan, chapter approves
Retention Key Action Steps ChampionCompletion Date Measurement 1.Seniority based progressive sliding house bill 2.Pass a by-law requiring a 2- year minimum to stay in house 3.Establish stricter initiation guidelines All Year E-board comes up with by-law, chapter approves 2/12/01 03/05/01 E-board develops, chapter approves System put into place by this next semester Implementation this year Less people in the house that don’t care about what it stands for Chapter
Campus/Community Image Key Action Steps ChampionCompletion Date Measurement 1.Establish all-campus philanthropy 2.Increase sorority relations. 3.Etiquette review for whole chapter. 4.One all-house serenade a semester 5.Theme Formal Dinners once a month 2/12/01 E-board team leaders House Mother informed by the President Chaplin, with support of the E-board 1 st Vice President with support of E-board Developed by 2/12/01 04/21/01 Philanthropy Year Round Philanthropy Chairs 2/13/00 with one week of practicing prior 02/01/01, 03/15/01, 04/12/01, 05/10/01 Whether or not dates are met. Success of philanthropy More girls coming around, better name around campus Ruby giving us the lessons We serenade on the 2/13/01 for our Valentines Dinner date dash Success of Formal Dinners
Alumni Relations Key Action Steps ChampionCompletion Date Measurement 1.Expand the FarmHouse list serve 2.Yearly Phone-a- thon to Alumni 3.More local Alumni involvement 4.Everyone contact one alumni in your area over the summer 5.Develop the website Year Round 1 st Vice President with support of E-board Whole House President and Senior Leadership Chair On-Going until all alumni are on the list Year Round 1 st Vice President & Secretary End of the Summer 05/07/01 Success of the list serve and feedback from alumni Feedback from alumni, making it happen More alumni at dinners and around the house Members talking with alumni over the summer. Completion of website by date of completion
House Maintenance/Pride Key Action Steps ChampionCompletion Date Measurement 1.Following House Policies better (enforcing) 2.Laminated check- lists for house chores posted in area. 3.All-House Clean- up once a month 4.General Maintenance repair fixed around the house 5.Encourage personal cleanliness of the individual rooms House Manager with support of whole house 2/12/01 Business Manager with support of E-board Year Round, every week House Manager E-board with support of chapter Year Round, current problems fixed by 03/01/01 Year Round Cleaner house overall Chore lists completed by due date Cleaner house overall House maintenance problems fixed Cleanliness of rooms from week to week. 02/05/01, 03/12/01, 04/02/01, & 05/14/01 Whole house
Leadership Key Action Steps ChampionCompletion Date Measurement 1.Lead by example 2.Show more respect for elected officers 3.Talking more personally with members to deal with problems 4.Be more active with extra curricular/house activities Year Round Whole House Senior Leadership along with 2 nd Vice, E-board support Whole House Year Round All Officers Year Round Our leaders are being good examples. President will reprimand those who are not Starts with this semester dues. No one with bills Higher respect levels around the house. Officers sticking up for one another. Problems eliminated, morale improved Increase participation, unity, and competitive levels