Idaho’s Three Year Plan Impact on Reclaiming Futures
Idaho’s 3 Year Plan Focus Idaho’s 3 year plan focus areas – 1. Parenting and Families – 2. System Improvement – 3. Community Resources – 4. Reintegration These will be integrated into OJJDP purpose areas Each of the focus areas provide opportunities for Reclaiming Futures activities
Idaho’s Focus Areas Parenting and Families – Provide access to Idaho’s families to quality, affordable evidence and/or empirically based services System Improvement – Goal: Idaho has collaborative and interagency groups coordinating services for youth at all levels – Goal: Idaho Juvenile Justice system has statewide training, and access to technical assistance services
Council Action Plans 7 District Councils and 1 statewide Tribal Council All have their own Action Plan Priorities Community resource development a common theme – Reclaiming Futures a community development resource Statewide Training and Research Committee compose of Council Chairs and others ready to act on substance abuse and other commonly noted needed resources
Idaho Open to Reclaiming Futures Emphasis on evidence and/or empirically supported practice and programs – State Juvenile Judges request for Three year Plan Emphasis on Statewide and Local Collaboration – Existing Interagency Council on Substance Abuse GAIN assessments required All statewide substance abuse budgets set by Council