 Necessary materials: PowerPoint Guide Teacher Information!


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Presentation transcript:

 Necessary materials: PowerPoint Guide Teacher Information!

Ecoregions of Idaho Introduction to Natural Resources

Objectives  Identify and describe ecoregions of Idaho

 Pacific Bunchgrass  Sagebrush Grassland  Juniper Woodland  Salt Desert Shrubland  Coniferous Forest & Mountain Meadows Ecoregions of Idaho

 Characterized by: Deep, rich soils Moist climate Palouse and Camas Prairies Precipitation: 12-30” Today, area is mostly farmland Pacific Bunchgrass

 Characterized by: Drier soils Hotter climate Plains, plateaus, valleys south of the Snake River Precipitation: 10-15” Classic western rangeland type Sagebrush Grassland

 Characterized by: Shallow, rocky soils Hotter climate Southern Idaho (Owyhee area) Precipitation: 12-30” Potential problem due to fire suppression Juniper Woodlands

 Characterized by: Salty soils Cold temperatures Southern Idaho (Mountain Home area) Precipitation: <10” Excellent winter range due to high nutritive value Salt Desert Shrub

 Characterized by: Andisols (volcanic ash, very fertile) Dense forest with open meadows Most of northern Idaho Precipitation: 40+ Excellent wildlife habitat and summer range Coniferous Forest and Mountain Meadows

Can you…  Identify and describe ecoregions of Idaho