Milk Testing Equipment Compliance with Dairy Inspections
Milk Testing Equipment By Mike Wiggs Dairy Program Manager Idaho Department of Agriculture For Ms. Susan Lee
Milk Testing Equipment Compliance with the PMO Compliance with the PMO Compliance with 3-A Sanitary Standards Compliance with 3-A Sanitary Standards Compliance with FDA Compliance with FDA Cleaning of the Equipment Cleaning of the Equipment Maintenance of the Equipment Maintenance of the Equipment
Milk Testing Equipment Compliance with the PMO Compliance with the PMO –PMO—Pasteurized Milk Ordinance –Rules for the Grade A Dairy Facilities –Inspection of the facilities by the State Regulatory Authority –Oversight by FDA
Milk Testing Equipment PMO Requirements 9-r Page 43 of the 2009 PMO All multi-use containers, utensils and equipment used in the handling, storage or transportation of milk shall be made of smooth, nonabsorbent, corrosion-resistant, non-toxic materials, and shall be so constructed as to be easily cleaned. All containers, utensils and equipment shall be in good repair.
Milk Testing Equipment PMO Requirements 9-r page 43 of the 2009 Milk containers and other utensils without flush joints and seams, without smooth, easily cleaned, and accessible surfaces, and not made of durable, non-corrodible material, are apt to harbor accumulations in which undesirable bacterial growth is supported.
Milk Testing Equipment
Fittings Must be Smooth Fittings Must be Smooth Easily Cleanable Easily Cleanable In Good Repair In Good Repair Approved Material Approved Material –FDA Approved Plastics –3-A Approved Plastics –304 or 316 stainless polished tubing Milk Testing Equipment
Cleanable Cleanable –All units must be properly and thoroughly cleaned after use and sanitized prior to use –Not all tester units are capable of being CIP’d and must be disassembled and hand cleaned after each use
Milk Testing Equipment
3-A Sanitary Standards 3-A Sanitary Standards –A set of written standards in which equipment for use in the dairy industry is constructed to. –33-01 Polished Metal tubing for Milk and Milk Products –20-20 Multi-use Plastic Materials Used as Product Contact Surfaces for Dairy Equipment –18-03 Multi-Use Rubber and Rubber-Like Materials Used as Product Contact Surfaces in Dairy Equipment
Milk Testing Equipment FDA Compliance FDA Compliance –FDA compliance plastics for use as a food contact surface –Equipment that has been reviewed by FDA and found to be compliant, FDA will issue a M-b for that equipment
Milk Testing Equipment Issues Observed on Routine Dairy Inspections Issues Observed on Routine Dairy Inspections –Barbed fittings –Poor Condition equipment –Unclean equipment –Storage of Sample Vials
Milk Testing Equipment Barbed Fittings Barbed Fittings
Milk Testing Equipment Barbed Fittings Barbed Fittings –Designed and approved for use on poly tubing for out door sprinkler lines –Not smooth and easily cleanable –Not an approved plastic
Milk Testing Equipment Poor Condition Equipment Poor Condition Equipment
Milk Testing Equipment Poor Condition Damaged Fittings Poor Condition Damaged Fittings Poor Condition Damaged Hoses Poor Condition Damaged Hoses Poor Condition Damaged Testers Poor Condition Damaged Testers
Milk Testing Equipment Unclean Equipment Unclean Equipment –Cleaned after use, Sanitized prior to use –Dirty air orifice –Dirty o-rings –Dirty sample drain valve –Some parts must be disassembled and hand cleaned after each use
Milk Testing Equipment Unclean Equipment Unclean Equipment
Milk Testing Equipment Storage of Sample Vials Storage of Sample Vials –Must be stored in a clean spots Found outside on the dirt Found outside on the dirt Covered with manure Covered with manure Dirty sample vial belt holsters Dirty sample vial belt holsters Unclean hands when taking samples Unclean hands when taking samples
Milk Testing Equipment Violations of the equipment will be assessed against the dairy farm that is being inspected or rated Violations of the equipment will be assessed against the dairy farm that is being inspected or rated –Dirty equipment---10 Points –Poor Condition Equipment or unapproved Equipment---4 Points –Dairy must have a 90 or better to pass a rating
Milk Testing Equipment Questions