Montana/Idaho Airshed Group
Our Area
Comprised of 29 “airsheds” Each Airshed has a designated Coordinator as a point of contact 17 Impact Zones 3 “Units” Montana since 1978 North Idaho entered 1990 South Idaho entered 1999
Our Area Executive Board Member Representatives Monitoring Unit is located in Missoula
Our Membership
Some statistics…
Our Process… Members build a pre-season burnlist online ( Burns are submitted from this list by noon on the day prior to burning (Mountain Time) All or a portion of the acres can be proposed A priority (A or B) value is selected Up to five days out
Our Process… Program Coordinator accesses this list just after the noon hour Predictive Services Meteorologists provide input (they also post a ventilation forecast for the members by noon) Program Coordinator accesses current AQ sensors, resolves any conflicts between members proposed burns, obtains input from DEQ offices
Our Process… Recommendations are posted back to the website by 4PM Mtn. that same day Members must report any accomplishments back to the website on the following day
Our Website… Reports are available under various passworded levels Airshed Coordinators Member Representatives Reports are offered as Excel file download or as HTML to screen Map feature to be added in next version BlueSkyRains has access to daily data
Our Website… Web Application was developed by the National Center for Landscape Fire Analysis, University of Montana A “toolbar” for ArcMap was also developed allowing direct access to the database for display (proposed, approved, accomplished by date), and to view and approve burns