Can librarians make a difference in the geoworld? The story of INSIDE Idaho Lily Wai, INSIDE Idaho Administrator Bruce Godfrey, GIS Specialist University of Idaho Library CUAC-LC Conference Washington, D. C. May 12, 2005
Outline Traditional library collections (Paper, microfiche,CDs) Why GIS in the libraries? How did we get started? Securing Funding sources What is INSIDE Idaho? Pre-clearinghouse - Where we were Idaho Clearinghouse - Where we are going Clearinghouse Demo (by Bruce Godfrey)
Traditional map library collection Federal Depository Library collection (Geologic, mining, forest service, CIA maps) USGS, AMS, BLM, NIMA Depository maps Air photos Purchased maps Gift map collections Mostly paper format, with the exception of Open-File maps on microfiche, and some CDs from Census Bureau, USGS, EPA, and NASA
Map Collection at UI Library
Depository Collection at UI Library
Tangible Map collection statistics Maps added (Depository) 2000: : : : : 1169 Maps used: 2000: : : : : 642 Maps loaned: 2000: : : : : 43 Maps cataloged: 2000: : : 523 (LandSat, etc) 2003: 644 (LandSat, etc) 2004: 48 Annual average maps budget: ( ) $2000-$500
Why GIS in Libraries? Libraries are appropriate facilities for the management and distribution of GIS maps and data (Paper/CD-ROM, and Digital.) They are neutral, unbiased institutions, and part of an established nationwide infrastructure (FDLP). Libraries are proficient in collection development, cataloging, access and preservation issues.
How did we get started? Digital geospatial data in CD-ROM format arrived in libraries as part of the FDLP depository items Frustration with not being able to make them available to the public due to the lack of mapping software A desire to be involved in the ever-changing way of disseminating government information
CD-ROM Collection at UI Library
Where we were Most geospatial data were scattered and stored in local computer stations of individual agencies or academic units in various locations of the state, not accessible to the public. Used a variety of techniques and technologies and may or may not have provided documentation for each dataset. The result of these disparate efforts: Similar datasets available from different websites, or local computer servers. Difficult to determine if differences exist (lack of metadata). Duplicate efforts and waste of money and energy.
What is INSIDE Idaho? Interactive Numeric Spatial Information Data Engine Contents: Geodata Numeric data Atlas/Maps Interactive Mapping Metadata Training Links to other relevant sites
INSIDE Idaho Interactive Numeric & Spatial Information Data Engine, Project Director Organizational Chart IGIAC GIS Consortium Idaho Depository Libraries GIS Specialist Technical Consultant for Software Management Library Technical Consultant for Hardware Management Geography Forestry Agriculture Computer Science IGIAC GIS Consortium
Personnel Project administrator GIS Specialist Consultants Faculty advisors Student assistants University IT support
Administrative Aspects Secure grants Organize the project team Plan and organize tasks and monthly meetings Assign tasks and hiring workers Budget management Periodic reports to the funding agencies
Secure Funding sources ($$$) Idaho State Board of Education Technology Incentive Grant (1996) University of Idaho Research Office Seed Grant (1999, 2003) Institute of Museum and Library Service Leadership Grant earmarked by Congressional Appropriations ( ) FGDC “Don’t Duck Metadata” grants (USGS) ( ) Other contributions
Tasks Purchase hardware/software Design user-friendly interfaces Collect non-proprietary data Create metadata Collaborate and cooperate with GIS agencies in the state Participate in statewide GIS users meetings
INSIDE: Current Architecture
INSIDE Idaho – Clearinghouse The Idaho Geospatial Committee (IGC) (EO ) unanimously approved INSIDE Idaho website as the State of Idaho’s official geospatial data clearinghouse (May 30, 2002). The clearinghouse encompasses organizations, standards, people, data and technology which work together to facilitate cooperation and partnerships through the sharing, discovery, and use of spatially enabled data. It promotes the idea of, and technologies that facilitate, a distributed clearinghouse architecture. As a critical component of the Idaho Geospatial Data Implementation Plan (I-Plan), INSIDE Idaho performs as the official state data distribution clearinghouse for all framework data themes.
Idaho State IT Plan
Distributed architecture State Clearinghouse State AgencyLocal Govt.Higher Ed. Federal Agency Geospatial One Stop Portal Harvest metadata Search/Browse Response Download/Interact Search/Browse Response Download/Interact
Clearinghouse – Goals & Objectives To facilitate the discovery and use of GIS data Search data with a single query. Provide data in easily accessible formats. Insure that public funds used to create spatial data are not wasted Reduce duplication of effort. Insure data that exists and can help solve societal problems is in the public domain and easily accessible.
Clearinghouse - Vision Every dataset accessible to every potential user A documented custodian for every dataset created and included on the clearinghouse website (metadata) A website that is cooperatively developed and actively maintained in conjunction with innovative tools and services Providing leadership and expertise in the storage, support, training, archival, and distribution of Idaho’s digital geospatial and numeric data
INSIDE Idaho Data Contributors
2004 Orthoimagery County name# downloads Blaine1873 Canyon1783 Camas1675 Ada1115 Latah1110 Kootenai968 Nez Perce942 Idaho933 Bannock926 Elmore911 State Totals [10/11/2004 – 4/30/2005] # downloads31743 [157/day] TB transferred9.3 [47 Gb/day]
Who are INSIDE Idaho users? Students, faculty and researchers at higher education institutions GIS professionals at state, local, and federal government agencies Government officials Business and industry sectors K-12 teachers and students Private citizens
Clearinghouse – What it took to get here A lot of hard work! Determination, perseverance, creativity and dedication Technology Using what’s currently available Acting as a facilitator/statesman Locate/use/share data Building relationships/partnerships – trust Continuously promoting the ‘Vision’
Where we are going Continue to: Promote a consistent data sharing architecture Employ new technologies distributed architecture serving gigantic raster datasets Secure stable and permanent funding
What’s new - searching
What’s new – mapping services
Acknowledgement Institute of Museum and Library Services National Leadership Congressional Appropriation ( ) USGS-FGDC “Don’t duck metadata” grants, USGS Framework Data Coordinator, Tracy Fuller Idaho Dept. of Water Resources Idaho Transportation Dept. Idaho GIS State Coordinator, Nathan Bentley University of Idaho Library and Information Technology Services
Contacts Lily Wai, INSIDE Idaho Administrator Bruce Godfrey, GIS Specialist This presentation can be viewed at: