Utilizing Idaho’s Natural Resources COMMUNITY FOREST TRUST
Wildfire Forest Health Roads Schools Jobs COMMUNITY FOREST TRUST
The Solution is Utilizing Natural Resources Revenues Funding Shortfalls COMMUNITY FOREST TRUST
Revenue Sharing Payment in Lieu of Taxes Secure Rural Schools & Community Self Determination Act 2010 Headwaters Economics Whitepaper
COMMUNITY FOREST TRUST COMMUNITY FOREST TRUST PILOT PROGRAM Local Control 200,000 acres of Federal Timberlands in Idaho Managed by Idaho Department of Lands Proceeds to offset 10% of Timber Receipts currently funded through SRS Payments
COMMUNITY FOREST TRUST 194,000 acres of Southern Idaho Timberlands, managed by Boise Cascade, yielded an annual sustainable harvest of over 30 Million board feet 3.7 Million to 4.5 Million Dollars annually
COMMUNITY FOREST TRUST Pilot Program encompasses 1% of the 20 Million acres of Federal Timberlands in Idaho 10%, or less than 2 Million acres of Federal Timberlands in Idaho, will more than offset current SRS Payments
COMMUNITY FOREST TRUST CONSEQUENCES OF MANAGED FORESTS Healthy Trees Clean Water Air Quality Wildlife Fish Habitat Recreation Homes Jobs
COMMUNITY FOREST TRUST IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF LANDS IDAHO COUNTIES USDA FOREST SERVICE ~ Planning A Better Future For Idaho ~ Gordon L. Cruickshank Valley County Commissioner
Is Anything Better Today in Your County? Catastrophic Fire Flooding & Mudslides Unemployment Roads Schools Overharvest & Dismantling of Private Timberlands Recreation as Salvation