Gonorrhea Overview State of Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Family Planning, STD and HIV Program & Office of Epidemiology & Food Protection Telephone: Jared Bartschi or Annabeth Elliott Internet Address:
Reported gonorrhea incidence and rate by year of report—Idaho, 1994 – 2008
Reported gonorrhea incidence rate by health district and year of report—Idaho, 1994–2008
Reported gonorrhea incidence by sex and year of report—Idaho, 1999–2008
Reported gonorrhea incidence rate by selected age group and year of report—Idaho, 2004–2008
Reported gonorrhea incidence by selected age group —Idaho, 2008
Reported gonorrhea incidence rate by selected race/eth. and year of report—Idaho, 2004–2008
Proportion of reported gonorrhea incidence by selected race/eth. —Idaho, 2004–2008 average
Reported gonorrhea incidence by selected race/eth. and year of report—Idaho, 2004–2008 Caution: 29% unknown race/ethnicity
N=10,796 Proportion of reported gonorrhea by provider type—Idaho, 2008
STD Prevention Activities Key Statewide Populations High risk individuals per Idaho selective screening criteria Sex worker Sex for money/drugs Sexually active MSM Unprotected sex with 2 or more partners Cervicitis, urethritis, or PID Exposed to GC IUD insert planned History of repeated GC infections Symptomatic partner within 60 days
Challenges Budget Cuts Loss of Staff State and Local Health Depts Facing a Reduction in Force Restrictions on Travel Lack of designated DIS