Inclusive Planning and Design Webinar Webinar Series on Mobility Management Feb. 12, 2014
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Center Objectives Generating and sharing new knowledge. Designing and delivering trainings and customized facilitation. Providing access to information to individuals and organizations interested in identifying, improving, and implementing mobility options in their communities. Aligning and supporting the goals and activities of the Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility (CCAM) and United We Ride. Improving Center activities and demonstrate the effectiveness of NCMM.
Technical Assistance Training and Products – Information briefs – Volunteer peer network (field experts) – Training workshops (Design Thinking for Mobility) – Community Technical Assistance Plans (Descriptions of TA Interventions so that other communities can replicate strategies)
The mission of this project, sponsored by the Department of Health and Human Services' Administration for Community Living is to demonstrate the value that inclusive processes can bring to transportation efforts. The Community Transportation Association of America, in partnership with Easter Seals, National Association of Area Agencies on Aging, and Westat, is developing, testing and demonstrating ways to empower people with disabilities and older adults to be actively involved in designing and implementing coordinated transportation systems. For more information, visit
Webinar Agenda Kelli Fairless, Executive Director, Valley Regional Transit Judy Telge, Director, Development/Mobility Management, Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living Dwight Mengel, Chief Transportation Planner, Tompkins County Department of Social Services Discussion time
Building Transportation Options One Handshake at a Time Regional Mobility Coordination Boise Valley, Idaho
Located in southwest Idaho Population: 650, percent of total population in state Large urban, small urban and rural communities Boise Valley
Diverse Region Two most populous counties in Idaho Includes 19 local governments Large urban, small urban, and rural
Valley Regional Transit Regional Public Transportation Authority Accountable to local governments Responsible for regional coordination Encourages transportation service delivery through private sector
Funding Significant reliance on federal funding No dedicated source of state or local funds Services are funded through voluntary contributions from local jurisdictions VRT works with local jurisdictions to develop priorities and project level budgets Reliance on partnerships for funding creates need for better coordination
Planning Process 2002: Five-year Strategic Plan 2003–2007: Operations planning for traditional fixed- route services 2007–2010: Developed coordinated plan for all modes Throughout the process, mobility management became an organizational objective
The Foundation RIDELINE.ORG o Trip Reservations o Travel Training o Call Center o Websites o Employer Outreach o Marketing o Ridematch o Pass/Contract/Sales Outlets o Information Outlets o Ambassador Program o Elligibility Assessment Community Transportation o Vehicle Sharing o Volunteer Driver o Ride Reimbursement o Village Van o Car Sharing o Non Emergent Medical Transportation Traditional Public Transportation o Express Commuter Service o Local Fixed-Line Service o Local Flex-Route Service o Paratransit – ACCESS o University Shuttles Commuter Services o Vanpool o Rideshare o Job Access Vanpool o Carpooling o Telecommuting
Regional Coordination Council Students/ Employers Persons with disabilities Job Access Transportation Older Adults Service Providers Veterans Local Governments Minority Representation Non Emergency Medical Transport Engagement Framework
Regional Mobility Coordination VRT designated lead agency Regional Coordination Council Coordination plan provided overarching strategies More targeted plans for Refugees, veterans and older adults
Getting Started Inventory resources (equipment, financial, human, technical) Maximize each partner’s capacity and resources Create an environment that supports open communication and accessible processes Be open to innovation and non-traditional solutions
Building Partnerships COMPASS (MPO) State agencies Area Agency on Aging Nonprofit agencies United Way of Treasure Valley Local transportation providers Community Transportation Association of Idaho
Contributing Factors Funding through JARC and New Freedom programs MAP-21 changes United Way Communitywide Assessment Refugee Strategic Community Plan Economic downturn
Coordinated Projects Joint marketing Technology enhancements Rideline – Centralized customer information system, travel training GoRide – Community- based transportation options
trip confirmation trip rerquest
Lessons Learned Engage the stakeholders early in the process Communicate openly and often Don’t assume everyone embraces change and technology in the same way Be willing to make adjustments as needed Be clear about expectations up front Don’t take any stakeholder for granted
Questions? Contact Information Kelli Fairless, Executive Director, Valley Regional Transit (208)
Including individuals with disabilities in mobility planning Judy Telge Mobility Options Project Coastal Bend Center for Independent Living – Corpus Christi, Texas
Centers for Independent Living Established by Federal statute – Rehabilitation Act of 1953, As Amended Provide four core services Assist individuals with disabilities to achieve their goals CILs are consumer-controlled
CILs as data resource In higher population density areas; often include urban & rural service areas Locations throughout U.S CILs in Texas Best source of cross-disability consumer information on goals, identification of barriers to independent living Three year strategic planning cycles Annual reporting on numbers of individuals with disabilities assisted to access transportation, healthcare services and assistive technology
Inclusion strategies Outreach with non-traditional methods Advocacy identifies barriers, goals and targeted solutions Partnerships indicate effectiveness Learn to influence political will to achieve community integration
Inclusion examples Non-traditional models of service delivery Education and training in advocacy for people with disabilities & their allies Policy-level participation Develop teams of individuals with cross- disabilities for all stages of planning
Transportation planning decisions Vision or long range concepting Ranking of proposed projects by policy criteria Selection of preferred option(s) following analysis (alternatives, environmental reviews – make accessibility part of this) Project implementation Operations management, maintenance of assets
Contact Our Speakers Sheryl Gross-Glaser, Dwight Mengel, Judy Telge, Kelli Fairless,
101,000 population Ithaca Small Urban Area 55K pop. Classic college town 24K students Regional growth center Great diversity of people Tompkins County, NY
Family of Services One Call – One Click Community Mobility Education Public Transit Paratransit Ridesharing Carshare Taxi – MV1 Volunteer Driver Services Active Transportation
Coordinated Planning Re-organized in 2010 – Monthly meetings – Competitive local grant process – Website & marketingWebsite & marketing – Annual Amendments to 2007 Plan
Agencies Core group & Interested parties Recruit professionals to attend Transparency – Communications Plan Mobility summits Host NTI Training Special Community Mobility Projects replaced JARC
People Leverage networks of agencies Extensive outreach: – Community centers – Public festivals & events – Senior housing meetings – Customer surveys – Natural Leaders Initiative
Information about Mobility Management Website located at or LinkedIn group for the Partnership for Mobility Management Newsletter and Twitter Blog and podcasts March webinar: Money, That’s What I Want
Contact Us Sheryl Gross-Glaser, Kelli Fairless, Judy Telge, Dwight Mengel, JOIN US FOR THE MARCH WEBINAR!