EDA Seattle Regional Training Conference April 4, 2012 Todd Schwarz, Ph.D. Past Instructional Dean, College of Southern Idaho State Administrator, Idaho Division of Professional-Technical Education
One of three Idaho community colleges One of six regional postsecondary Professional-Technical schools in Idaho 9,200 students South central Idaho Rural, agricultural base with growing dairy and food processing industries
President Jerry Beck, 2003 winner of the Richard Preston Award by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) Southern Idaho Economic Development Organization (SIEDO) Region IV Economic Development Business Plus Idaho Department of Labor Partnerships and relationships Three words…
“Whatever it takes”
“Whatever it takes” stories Dell Computer Corporation Hilex Poly C3 Customer Contact Channels Chobani
2001 Started planning before company was identified Curriculum and workforce development team sent to Round Rock prior to final agreement Training rooms committed on campus Office space and infrastructure provided Less than 30 days from agreement to first PC Prep course PC Prep named Exemplary Short Term Training Program of the Year in Idaho Collaboration and cooperation 243 initial hires peaked at about 600 with about 125 still employed
2004 “What do you need?” Provided full-time resource person for three months, on site to assist with testing and intake Testing Center access continues 135 employees Plant Manager Mike Schutz: #1 in productivity #1 in safety All due to original and ongoing employee screening assistance and training programs “A community college with international impact” Schutz is currently on the CSI Foundation Executive Board
Dell leaves the call center 2009 Quick response team convened “At the table” Fall 2010 Provided four training rooms and infrastructure Parking and coordination of employee transport VP of Human Resources Bob Tenzer: “CSI never says no. In short, CSI’s commitment to C3 helped us lay our foundation in Idaho and greatly enhanced our efforts to create greater than 800 jobs in Twin Falls.”
Serendipity Strong resource base with business incentives CSI and IDOL team to New York facility to study process Collaborative training plan developed Facilities and staff commitments 350 employees > $128 million physical plant Opening 2012
“Whatever it takes” works Not particularly innovative Build the culture Communicate Collaborate Follow through Over deliver
Acknowledgements Rick Tremblay, Regional EDA Local agency: Region IV Development, Carleen Herring, Jeff McCurdy Applied Technology and Innovation Center