Northwest Perspectives on Developing a Biochar Industry: State Agencies, Research & Industry David Sjoding Renewable Energy Specialist July 31, US Biochar Conference
Bioenergy & Biochar in Washington David Sjoding WSU Energy Program Mark Fuchs – Ecology, W2R Manuel Garcia-Perez – WSU Biological Systems Engineering Dept. & CSANR Interagency Agreements between Ecology and WSU EP and CSANR
Overview The Northwest needs a biochar trade association This presentation is a bookend to the other presentations from the Northwest: Focus on state governments and universities Two memorable quotes from 4 years ago: “I’ve been mining the carbon out of my soil for 40 years. I used to get 100 bushels per acre, now I’m in the 60s” – Merrill Ott (wheat farmer) “What’s the market value of biochar” – Borgford Bioenergy Biochar in the Northwest is coming of age
State Perspectives - Plural Bioenergy is the most complex and diverse of the renewable resources – It organizationally fans across many departments/agencies Shifting to a bioeconomy is even broader The plural does not necessarily mean inconsistent or in conflict – However, there are “discussions” Often there are different areas of emphasis or focus It is plural within state governments and between states Wide Northwest regional variation in feedstocks Which end product is produced? – Who wants what?
Woody biomass feedstock competition Woody biomass is a feedstock for a wide variety of bioenergy/biobased products – Assessments needed Engineered biochar – Carbon sequestration, soil health & environmental remediation Pellets – Regional or export markets Biomass CHP - Supports existing mills, high efficiency Biofuels – Cellulosic or drop-in advanced biofuel Biobased chemicals offsetting the petrochemical industry Biorefinery – Combination of the above Which products? Which goals? Which trade assn.?
State governments & university research Strong linkage in bioenergy for over a decade Washington took a lesson from Iowa (Biowa) Major focus to develop a full court press to build the bioeconomy Triggered by $3/gallon diesel & $3/bushel wheat Major funding followed Role of land grant universities: Take the best of knowledge/science & move it into the society/economy – Applied research Role of research universities – Basic research
Biomass Inventory and Bioenergy Assessment An Evaluation of Organic Material Resources for Bioenergy Production in Washington State December 2005
Waste Characterization – 68%
Washington Example – Wood Waste Aviation biofuel – 2011 & 2012 legislation – Two $40 million research efforts (U of W AHBN, WSU NARA) Densified biomass - Statewide business development feasibility study funded - $75,000 Biomass CHP – 99 MW under construction (state controlled ARRA funding support for 45 MW) – $4.8 million Composting and wood recycling – Long standing Dept. of Ecology support Bioenergy research: Major laboratory build out and $7.4 million/biennium (peak) – Biochar is included
Pacific Region – A six state-based team of AK, HI, ID, MT, OR & WA Significant biennial state funds (both program development & research) Functions as a team since 1982 Taken together: A “Complete Program” – Near, mid and long term research; development; demonstration; project deployment; policy analysis & legislation; information; outreach The Northwest states cross-talk a lot & compare notes
The U.S. DOE Northwest Clean Energy Application Center (NW CEAC) is one of eight regional centers funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO). The CEACs support the AMO program’s work to develop and deploy new, energy-efficient technologies for manufacturing. The NW CEAC is a joint partnership between Washington State University Energy Program, Cascade Power Group, Alaska Energy Authority, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, and Idaho Office of Energy Resources. The Center works in the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska. DOE’s Regional Clean Energy Application Centers promote and assist in transforming the market for combined heat and power (CHP), waste heat recovery, and district energy technologies and concepts throughout the United States. Combined Heat and Power is the simultaneous production of electricity and useful thermal energy for heating or cooling from a single fuel source. CHP can provide needed energy services in one energy-efficient step. Today it supplies over 10% of our nation’s electricity. District Energy is CHP, heating, and/or cooling for an entire university, office park, medical campus, mixed use sustainable development, or downtown. There are over 700 district energy systems in the U.S. Waste Heat Recovery is the capture of waste heat from an industrial facility or pipeline compressor station and turns it into clean electricity or useful thermal energy. Market Assessments: Supporting analyses of CHP market potential in diverse sectors, such as health care, industrial sites, hotels, and new commercial and institutional buildings. Education and Outreach: Providing information on the benefits and applications of CHP to state and local policy makers, regulators, energy end-users, trade associations and others. Technical Assistance: Providing technical information to energy end-users and others to help them consider if CHP, waste heat recovery or district energy makes sense for them. This includes performing site assessments, producing project feasibility studies, and providing technical and financial analyses. For more information on the DOE Clean Energy Application Centers, visit: ABOUT US WHAT ARE CHP, DISTRICT ENERGY, AND WASTE HEAT RECOVERY? OUR SERVICES
State governments Again a broad range of interested agencies Topical approach – Structures vary Economic development – New jobs & protection of existing jobs Solid waste – Waste 2 Resources: “Beyond Waste” Air quality – Biopower emissions Climate change, sustainability & out-put based emissions Biofuels, RFS, fuel quality, & low carbon fuels Inventories, assessments and analysis RES/RPS Efficient feedstock use
State governments continued Healthy forests, rural jobs & re-starting mills State directed applied research needs for state feedstocks with funding Biofuel crop development Rural economy and jobs – No natural gas, maximize in state economy What’s on the horizon that impacts the various perspectives? Multi-agency “State Bioenergy Teams” are needed to help develop the biochar industry
Biochar research – Areas of focus Engineered biochar The agronomic impact of biochar Three recent reports: Methods for Producing Biochar and Advanced Biofuels in Washington State Part 1: Literature Review of Pyrolysis Reactors. 150 pages Methods for Producing Biochar and Advanced Bio- fuels in Washington State Part 2: Literature Review of the Biomass Supply Chain and Preprocessing Technologies From Field to Pyrolysis Reactor. 75 pages Methods for Producing Biochar and Advanced Bio- fuels in Washington State Part 3: Literature Review Technologies for Product Collection and Refining. 125 pages
What is under development? An economics and business model for pyrolysis / biochar – “Soon” A white paper as a precursor information to develop the case for a trade association – At good working draft stage Mature business & technical plans needed We recognize the need to work with the US Biochar Initiative & the Pacific Northwest Biochar Initiative
Information Resources Ecology Waste 2 Resources Program ganics/recovery.htmlhttp:// ganics/recovery.html WSU Energy Program Pacific Region Bioenergy Partnership WSU Center for Sustaining Agriculture & Natural Resources 10/pubshttp:// 10/pubs