plateau a large area of land that is flat and is raised above the surface of land around it
Appalachian Plateau
piedmont an area of land formed (or lying at) the foot of a mountain or mountain range
fall line boundary between an upland region and a coastal plain across which rivers from the upland region drop to the plain as falls or rapids
Cities sprang up east of the Fall Line, because ships needed a place to unload and switch their cargo to land- based carriers.
There was even a “Fall Line Road.”
natural boundary a boundary based on a natural feature of the land – for example, a river, a mountain range, a cliff, or a coast
Are any of Oklahoma’s borders natural boundaries?
Google earth image of Red River at Okla/Tx border
artificial boundary a boundary decided without a natural feature of the land to guide the boundary This usually is based on longitude or latitude.
Kansas-Oklahoma border
What natural boundaries does California have? What artificial ones?
What about Louisiana’s boundaries?
And New Jersey’s boundaries?
And what about Idaho?
Using the physical map of the east coast, draw in what you think would be logical boundaries for the states listed.
work time...
How similar were your boundary decisions to the actual boundaries?