The Oregon Trail Experience Oregon Trail Software CD Grades 4-5 History and Geography Developed by Dr. Wes Leggett
Word Integration Student Trail Log Worksheet Date Landmark Type (town, fort, river, rock, spring, etc.) Traveled (miles) Pace State Elevation Occupation, Ending Score, Survivors
Excel Integration Student Spreadsheet from Trail Log data Landmark Traveled Date Pace Miles (formula) Days (formula) Miles per Day (formula) Miles per Hour (formula)
Access Integration Student Database from Trail Log data Landmark Type State Elevation 1. Data sorted in ascending and descending orders 2. Data filtered for selective display (for example, display Forts in Idaho)
PowerPoint Integration Student Presentation (2 slides) Student partners choose Landmark Research using Teacher Web Quest Then (slide 1) vs. Now (slide 2): 1. Name (could have changed) 2. Location (state and proximity) 3. Population 4. Trivia (interesting fact) Present to Class in Oral Presentation
Web Authoring Integration Teacher Web Quest for Student Research Description of assignment related to PowerPoint presentation Links to websites with past and present information on Oregon Trail Landmarks Research completed at home or public library with parent(s) or guardian(s) help