MarylandView John M. Morgan, III, Ph.D Towson University © 2008 John M. Morgan, III All Rights Reserved
2 ABOUT AmericaView l AmericaView is a nationwide program that focuses on satellite remote sensing data and technologies in support of … l Applied research l K-16 education l Workforce development l Technology transfer l AmericaView is administered through a partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the AmericaView Consortium l The AmericaView program began as a pilot project in 1998 by the USGS and a group of Ohio universities (OhioView) l Landsat 7 imagery for Ohio was acquired by the EROS Data Center and made publicly available by OhioView within 36 hours of the time of data collection
3 ABOUT AmericaView l Impressed with the successes of OhioView, Congress instructed USGS to begin implementing the AmericaView Program nationwide in 2000 l Program administered under the USGS Land Remote Sensing Program ( l Program dedicated “to expanding the understanding and applications of the science of remote sensing”
4 ABOUT AmericaView
5 AmericaView GOALS l AmericaView is a locally controlled and nationally coordinated program ( l Goals l Advance the availability, timely distribution, and widespread use of remote sensing data and technology… l Transfer remote sensing tools and technology to educational institutions for use in developing remote sensing curricula l Promote the use of satellite data to government agencies, educators, scientists, community leaders, and the general public l Facilitate growth in the applications of remote sensing data in areas such as forestry, geology, cartography, hydrology, and urban planning
6 ABOUT AmericaView
7 AmericaView MEMBERSHIP l As of February 20, 2008, there were 32 AmericaView members … l Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa,, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin, West Virginia, and Wyoming
8 MarylandView PARTNERS l Towson University Geospatial Research and Education Laboratory l Towson University Center for Geographic Information Sciences l Maryland State Geographic Information Committee (MSGIC) l Maryland Space Grant Consortium l Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg Center for Physics and Astronomy l Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory l Hagerstown Community College l Morgan State University Department of Industrial Engineering l NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Education Office) l Space Telescope Science Institute l Towson University Department of Geography and Environmental Planning l University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science l University of Maryland Department of Aerospace Engineering l U.S. Naval Academy
9 FIRST YEAR TASKS l Establish the MarylandView Consortium l Survey existing remote sensing activities and courses of Maryland colleges, universities, and public and private secondary schools l Survey existing remote sensing activities of government agencies in Maryland l Distribute available remote sensing software tools, data, and curriculum materials to K-12 teachers l Develop a Web site for the MarylandView Consortium ( l Promote the use of remotely sensed data for applied research in Maryland l Future … acquire and distribute Landsat and other imagery for use in Maryland
10 CURRENT ACTIVITIES l Continuing to build the MarylandView Consortium l Surveying existing remote sensing activities of government agencies in Maryland l Distributing available remote sensing software tools, data, and curriculum materials to K-12 teachers l Continuing to promote the use of remotely sensed data for applied research in Maryland l Providing access to Pictometry data and software l Working with government agencies and organizations on projects to use remotely sensed data, such as delineation of urban sprawl and agricultural cropland l Acquiring Landsat and other imagery for use in Maryland
11 CURRENT ACTIVITIES l Cropland data layer
12 CURRENT INITIATIVES l SATELLITES - Students And Teachers Exploring Local Landscapes to Interpret The Earth from Space Program developed as an educational outreach activity of OhioView The goals of SATELLITES are to offer a professional development opportunity for teachers that includes lessons and materials tied to state educational standards, and to engage students in real science projects in an effort to increase interest in STEM careers l Participated in a NASA International Polar Year funded SATELLITES program at West Virginia University, July 28-August 1, 2008 l Conducting a SATELLITES program for Maryland teachers in July, 2009 l Acquisition of MODIS (Terra and Aqua) imagery for Maryland (joint program with the University of Wisconsin - Madison)
13 CURRENT INITIATIVES l MODIS Aqua image for Maryland, September 7, 2008
14 CURRENT INITIATIVES l TUgis 2009 ( l The 22nd Annual Geographic Information Sciences Conference is scheduled for March 16-17, 2009 l 635 people attended TUgis 2008 in March, 2008 making the Towson conference the largest state GIS conference in the eastern United States l The call for presentations for TUgis 2009 will be distributed on or before October 1 l K-12 teachers are invited to attend the second day of the conference at no cost
15 NEW TOWSON UNIVERSITY RESOURCE l Dr. Don A. Thomas l Director, Hackerman Academy of Science and Mathematics l The goals of the Hackerman Academy are to attract more students into STEM majors, prepare STEM teachers for area schools, and provide advanced training in mathematics and science to existing teachers l Shuttle astronaut (retired), l Flew three missions on Columbia and one mission on Discovery (STS-65, STS- 70, STS-83, and STS-94) l Logged 44 days in space, 600 Earth orbits, and 20 million miles
16 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION John M. Morgan, III, Ph.D., Professor and Director Geospatial Research and Education Laboratory Department of Geography and Environmental Planning Towson University 8000 York Road Baltimore, MD (fax)