The Lights are Much Brighter There: Successful Downtown Revitalization Strategies Sheri Freemuth, AICP Program Officer NTHP Boise Field Office
Idaho American Planning Association October 14, 2010Boise, Idaho Introduction and prospects for the Main Street program in Idaho – Sheri Freemuth Streetscape improvements in downtown Idaho Falls – Renee Magee Historic Façade improvement program in downtown Nampa – Beth Ineck The Triangle Redevelopment Project in downtown Pocatello – Robert Chambers
Can we bring Main Street to Idaho? Communities come together to make it happen! Sheri Freemuth, AICP
Combines historic preservation with economic development to restore prosperity and vitality to downtown and neighborhood business districts. National Trust Main Street Center has been successful for more than 30 years, and is now helping more than 1,800 communities. Four points towards a sustainable revitalization effort: 1.Organization 2. Promotion 3. Design, and 4. Economic Restructuring What is the Main Street Program?
Background Idaho communities have been interested in the Main Street approach for many years Some have implemented their version of the approach “An Idaho Main Street program: Exploring the Possibilities” – September 20, 2007 ( Refresh: Spring 2009 Monthly calls: Fall 2009
Who participates? NTHP- Boise Field Office/MS Center Preservation Idaho Economic Development Depts. o Nampa o Twin Falls o Lemhi County Malad Chamber Downtown associations o Lewiston o Pocatello o Idaho Falls o Sandpoint SICOG 4-CASI Nez Perce Tribe
Meet monthly and strategize about how to move forward Coordinate public outreach o Participate in statewide conferences o Web site ( Strategize legislative outreach o Communicate to our state legislators Engage more communities for our calls What do we do?
Downtown Idaho Falls Downtown Nampa Old Town Pocatello Your community examples? Downtown Revitalization Strategies
Thank you! Sheri Freemuth