2012 Annual Meeting December 13, 2012
Western Alliance The Western Alliance represents and partners with the cities of Greenleaf, Melba, Notus, Parma, Middleton, and Wilder in Canyon County and Grand View, Homedale, and Marsing in Owyhee County. Our agency partners are Idaho Department of Commerce and COSSA (Canyon Owyhee School Service Agency) Each city has two voting seats (a city and business representative) on our Governing Board and the two counties each have one voting seat. This structure assures that all the communities have both business and governmental input. Our agency partners are ex-officio members of the board Mission – To cultivate a diverse and strong local economy among communities in the Western Alliance Region (southwest Idaho) through community development and business services
WAED Board Lori Church, Executive Director President Lee Belt Greenleaf City Clerk Vice President Jonathan Demcak Droplet Irrigation - Homedale Secretary Noni Stapleton Melba City Clerk Treasurer Bobbie Flores US Bank Local Government Partners Canyon County Owyhee County City of Grand View City of Greenleaf City of Homedale City of Marsing City of Melba City of Middleton City of Notus City of Parma City of Wilder Business Board Members Droplet Irrigation Middleton Chamber of Commerce Pavingstone LLC Marsing Resource Center US Bank Wilder Economic Development Desert High Realty Idaho Power Tucker Handling LLC JC Watson Company Web Design Center West Valley Medical Center Supporting Agency Partners Idaho Department of Commerce - Hank Ebert - Economic Development Specialist COSSA - Dr. Harold Nevill – Exec. Director College of Western Idaho – Dr. Shiryl Boyce Idaho Department of Labor – Jose DeLeon Ofelia Morales
2012 Accomplishments ACTIVITY REPORT - NOVEMBER 2011-November 2012 LORI CHURCH, Executive Director NEW SUPPORTING PARTNERS Idaho Power West Valley Medical Center College of Western Idaho Idaho Department of Labor Valley Regional Transit JC Watson Co Boise Office Equipment Marsing Resource Center High Desert Realty Pavingstones LLC Web Design Center Tucker Handling LLC Droplet Irrigation US Bank Bauer Heating & Cooling US Ecology (committed for 2013)
Accomplishments cont. BUSINESS START UP 3 new business startups – 1 each in Wilder, Parma, Greenleaf 15 jobs to be created Assisted a new business in their marketing plan Working with a group of interested parties on a possible large CO-OP Business Assisting 4 businesses in their writing their business plans and locating financing to start a new business Assisting a Parma Company to market their organic product within the Treasure Valley and the Northwest Facilitated a meeting with IdaCold/Zorroco and City of Greenleaf on possible infrastructure development/ Tucker Handling LLC on possible conveyer belt design/ Department of Labor for employees/COSSA for workforce training Worked with Valley Wide Agronomics on permitting process for their new location on Peckham Road
Accomplishments cont. BUSINESS RETENTION Assisted Grandview Business in marketing business– 2 jobs retained Assisted Greenleaf Custom Meats in reopening the business – 4 jobs Facilitating meetings with Business owners and SBA on financing an IHF Collateral Loan opportunity Continued work with Union Pacific and 1 business to relocate to larger facility and rail spur
Accomplishments cont. BUSINESS EXPANSION Continued Work with Melba Valley Market to establish a Bank satellite branch Worked with Middleton businesses in expansion and remodel funding sources Worked with 1 company to expand from main location in Star to 2 nd location in Homedale
Accomplishments cont. BUSINESS VISITS TOTAL Business site visits - to identify number and type of businesses to build up existing businesses and to attract value added businesses to visit as many businesses as possible to understand what they need to stay, thrive, and expand and how WAED might partner with them BUSINESS PROMOTION/MARKETING Produced the 2nd Annual Western Alliance Regional Directory to promote business-to-business purchasing/marketing and community-community support of area businesses. Continued work to build a data base for commercial properties to be listed on Gem State Prospector.com for the WAED Region
Accomplishments cont. STAFF TRAINING Scheduled and held a Gem State Prospector training with Dept. of Commerce for Western Alliance Board members Attended Northwest Community Development Institute – Boise - July Attended “ Capital for a Day” in Murphy Attended Idaho Rural ED DOC training with Lee Belt, WAED President Attended Idaho Economic Development Association Conference Attended Governor Otter’s Economic Summit Attended Idaho Ag Summit
Accomplishments cont. GRANT ASSISTANCE Wilder Downtown Revitalization CDBG Grant Assisted with the Fundraiser put on in Wilder by Nunhem’s Seed- Ron Amarel Worked with Matt Ellsworth, Senator Risch’s Office on grant opportunities Coordinated meetings with City of Marsing and INL Technical Assistance for engineering research on the Marsing Methane Gas Project and application for CBDG Grant Assisted Marsing Sr. Center on Caldwell Community Foundation Grant Worked with Mike Fields, Idaho Rural Partnership and Priscilla Salant, U of I on LinkIdaho survey of Broadband on Peckham Road Corridor and the WAED Region
Accomplishments cont. ORGANIZATIONAL COLLABORATION Held the 2nd WAED Annual meeting with Legislators in 12/2011 Facilitated the Board Tour of US Ecology Presented at IEDA Conference on Marsing Methane Gas Project Member of Homedale Chamber of Commerce Member of Marsing Chamber of Commerce Member of Wilder Economic Development Council Member of COSSA Stakeholders Member of Snake River Scenic Byway Member of Regional Valley Transit COSSA Business Technical Advisory Council Wilder Transportation Plan Committee Coordinating meeting for Employee Van Pool with Regional Valley Transit, Nunhem’s, CTI/SSI and COSSA Meeting and working with COSSA to develop Entrepreneur/Business Mentor Program Continue to complete monthly reports to Department of Commerce
Accomplishments cont. WAED ORGANIZATION Worked to establish Western Alliance as a stand-alone organization as a 501 C 6 Non Profit Entity and become a stand alone entity. First year with a carryover on the budget Continued work with Web Design Center to use new Western Alliance website as a marketing tool
2013 Goals WAED Development Marketing efforts to obtain funding partnerships with industry Marketing effort in production of a 2013 Regional Directory- marketing brochure and business cards WAED Board development training Arrange leadership training, symposiums, continuing education, etc.
2013 Goals WAED Regional Business Training Work on Travel and tourism opportunities Business incentives (identify, organize, implement)for the WAED region Business network ( regional partners, industry etc.) networking and rotating “Business Alliance” to provide a business-to-business forum for information and service exchanges WAED Regional Business and Community Development Promote “Operation Facelift” throughout the WAED Region To promote each community and each community’s businesses
Thank You for this opportunity to serve the Western Alliance Region- It has been a pleasure to represent you. Lori Church Introducing Tina Wilson New Executive Director Western Alliance for Economic Development PO Box 95 Wilder, ID