Case Study: Idaho Naturally Produced Chinook with Focus on Middle Fork Salmon River Sharon W. Kiefer Idaho Dept. Fish and Game October, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Case Study: Idaho Naturally Produced Chinook with Focus on Middle Fork Salmon River Sharon W. Kiefer Idaho Dept. Fish and Game October, 2012

Middle Fork Salmon River Attributes: ►Free-flowing river with many tributaries, flows about 104 miles, ►A tributary to the Salmon River, ►One of the original 8 Wild and Scenic Rivers (1968) ►Elevation ranges 7,000 feet to 3,900 feet ►Bear Valley and Marsh Creek converge to form the mainstem ►Located in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness (1980) - Frank Church Wilderness encompasses a total of 2,366,757 acres - Second largest unit of the National Wilderness Preservation System in the Lower 48

Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook ESU IdahoIdaho (cont.)Oregon & Washington South Fk Salmon MPGUpper Salmon MPGLower Snake MPG South Fk MainstemUpper Salmon MainstemTucannon R. *Secesh R.*Valley Cr.Asotin Cr. (ext) East Fk./Johnson Cr.Yankee ForkGr. Ronde/Imnaha MPG Little Salmon R.East Fork Salmon R.Upper Gr. Ronde R. *Middle Fk Salmon MPG*Lower MainstemCatherine Cr. *Marsh Cr.Pahsimeroi R.Minam R. *Bear Valley Cr.*Lemhi R.Lookingglass Cr. (ext.) *Sulphur Cr.*North Fk. Salmon R.Lostine/Wallowa R. *Upper Mainstem MFPanther Cr. (ext.)Wenaha R. *Loon Cr.Clearwater MPG not-listedImnaha R. *Camas Cr.Big Sheep Cr. (ext.) *Big Cr. *Lower Mainstem MF *Chamberlain Cr.* Unsupplemented

Sp/Su Chinook Salmon River Sp/Su Chinook MPGs SF Salmon, MF Salmon, Up. Salmon

WILD Fish: Middle Fork Salmon River Sp/Su Chinook Native, No hatchery history, naturally produced NATURAL Fish: Clearwater Basin Sp/Su Chinook Native or non-native, hatchery history, naturally produced IDFG Adopted MFSR Wild Fish Policy 1985

Monitoring Infrastructure ▪3 Smolt Traps: Marsh, Bear Valley, Big creeks ▪Video Adult Weir: Bear Valley Creek ▪Pit Tag Array: Big Creek ▪Redd Counts and Carcass Recovery ▪Juvenile PIT Tagging ▪Genetic Sampling ▪Snorkel Trend Surveys ▪Genetic Stock ID at Lower Granite Dam State, Tribal, Federal Contributors

Lower Granite Dam Runsize

Smolt to Adult Return Rate

Smolt to Adult Return Comparison of Snake and Mid-Col. Chinook

Augmenting MFSR Redds with Adult Abundance = Genetic Stock Identification (GSI)Year GSI-MFSR (95%CI) LGR-Total Wild ,527 (3,184- 5,708) 27, ,948 (NA) 3,948 (NA)26,673

SUMMARY Run-size of W/N & H - correlated Smolt-to-adult returns (SARs) of W/N & H – similar range & correlated Mid-Columbia W/N SARs >> Snake W/N SARs Salmon River redd count trends Decline since 1950s & 1960s W and N (hatchery influenced) trends similar since hatchery programs began in 1980s Middle Fork Salmon comprise large portion of wild – similar trend Natural origin spawner trends are similar in Wild and Hatchery influenced populations