A Data-Driven Method for Prioritizing Projects in Central Idaho Prepared for the 2012 ITE Western District Meeting Santa Barbara, California Prepared by Bob Schulte, DKS Associates June 2012
Presentation Outline 1. Development of Corridor Needs Assessment Tool 2. Findings and Conclusions 3. Next Steps
Coverage Area – District 4
Need for Assessment Tool District 4 Needs Support was needed for pre-STIP project development process Support was needed for pre-STIP project development process Dist. 4 had no structured, systematic method for needs identification Dist. 4 had no structured, systematic method for needs identification Method had to be practical, efficient, and sustainable Method had to be practical, efficient, and sustainable ITD Headquarters Requirements Headquarters grades each district on on-time, on- budget project delivery performance
Corridor Needs Assessment Tool
Corridor Health Tool
STIP Funding Categories Minor Pavement Preservation (1R) Minor Pavement Preservation (1R) Pavement Maintenance Pavement Maintenance Pavement Restoration Pavement Restoration Bridge Preservation Bridge Preservation Bridge Restoration Bridge Restoration Expansion Expansion Highway Safety Improvement Highway Safety Improvement
Filtering Factors Filtering factors are applied prior to calculating need scores Factors reflect minimum eligibility requirements within each funding program Example – Minor Pavement Preservation Program Pavement has not structurally failed, but is not in good structural condition This means: 2.5 < Cracking Index < 3.5
Identification of Need Score Factors and Weights Factors needed to reflect: Requirements from ITD Headquarters for project development Requirements from ITD Headquarters for project development Factors considered by Dist. 4 in their project selection process Factors considered by Dist. 4 in their project selection process Weights: Initial set of weights developed once factors defined Weights revised based on Dist. 4 input
Need Score Formula - Pavement Preservation
Data Sources Example data sources: Highway Data Quest (on-line roadway database) Dist. 4 High Accident Location (HAL) listing Traffic volume data from ITD Road Section Bridge data from ITD Bridge Section WebCARS (on-line crash records database) Only new data developed was LOS data
System Implementation Corridor Needs Assessment Tool consists of two components: Excel spreadsheets for calculating and reporting need scores GIS shape files for graphically displaying levels of need for highway segments
Need Score Spreadsheet - Pavement Preservation
Need Score Summary
Need Score Map - Pavement Preservation Segments are color-coded by percentile need category Gray segments are segments that do not meet filters Maps allow quick first assessment of highest-need segments Additional information can be obtained by “drilling down” into spreadsheets
Findings and Conclusions Corridor Needs Assessment Tool: Valuable first-cut method for identifying needs by funding category Provides a systematic, defensible process for establishing project needs Identified issues: Data collection more labor-intensive than anticipated Needs data is static and reflects existing conditions only
Next Steps Short-term improvements: Integration of Tool with ITD Transportation Asset Management System (TAMS) Development of capability to produce future need scores Long-term improvements: Long-term improvements: Variable segmentation of highways for analysis Linkage of Tool with needs-related databases
Bob Schulte DKS Associates TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS 720 SW Washington Street, Suite 500 Portland, Oregon Ph: |Cell: |