A Covenant Of Blessing For You And Your Child Baptism A Covenant Of Blessing For You And Your Child
Jesus Commanded Us To Baptize “...go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them...and teaching them to obey all I have commanded “
Baptism Means Many Things Church Membership Forgiveness God’s Blessing Celebration! Sign Of Covenant Our Promises
Baptism Is A Sign Of The New Covenant Circumcision was the sign of the Old Covenant… the Old Testament Baptism is the sign of the new covenant or New Testament in Jesus
Baptism And Circumcision Both are signs of the Covenant Both are signs of faith Both are given to children of believers Both can be received before the child/person actually has saving faith
What’s A Covenant? A covenant is an agreement between God and His people establishing a firm relationship based on promises and conditions
God Seals His Pledge To include your child in his family To show His grace to your child To forgive your child’s sins To give new life by the Holy Spirit
Baptism Is A Time To Renew Our Pledge To love and serve Jesus Christ To be faithful to His church To raise this child in the faith To live the Christian life at home To teach the faith
In Baptism We Are United With Christ Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into his death… if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection
Baptism Is The Mark Of New Life In Jesus Christ “Since we died with Christ we shall also live with Him” (Romans 6) Baptism celebrates Christ’s victory over death By the Holy Spirit we are marked as God’s own The Holy Spirit enables us to accept God’s forgiveness through repentance
Parents Bring Their Child On The Basis Of Their Own Faith With the hope that the child will grow in faith to love and serve the Lord
As Parents You Have The Primary Responsibility To make your child aware of God To pray with and for your child To set a good Christian example To teach your child the faith To build your family based on kindness, respect & forgiveness
Your Church Is Responsible To: Celebrate baptism in all its joy Welcome new members into the life of the church
Your Church Is Responsible To: Support each member during life’s trials and spiritual struggles Enrich faith of other Christians
On The Day Of Baptism A special bulletin will be at the font Baptisms usually follow the children’s sermon
On The Day Of Baptism We begin at the font, then move up steps Parents stand on organ side of platform
On The Day Of Baptism Water is poured on the child’s head in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit
On The Day Of Baptism You’ll receive a certificate & gift Would you like to choose an elder to assist?
Baptism Is A Sign Of Being In Christ… A sign but not the MEANS The MEANS is faith “By grace you have been saved through faith”
Our Prayer Is That One Day Your child will profess Jesus Christ as his or her Lord and Savior Your child will thank you for living out the Christian faith
Questions For Discussion How were you raised spiritually? What helped or hurt your faith? Discuss the “ball field illustration” What are your spiritual habits? How can you teach the faith at home? What habits will help your child get to know God?
Questions For Discussion Will anyone else be involved in the service?
Welcome To The Family