Unit 8: Sacramental Life in Christ. Section 2: The Paschal Mystery.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 8: Sacramental Life in Christ

Section 2: The Paschal Mystery

The Paschal Mystery What does Jesus’ life reveal to us about the nature of God? What does Jesus’ life teach Christians about the ideal way of how to live one’s life as a Christian? –It depends, first we need to know that Jesus’ life can be defined or summarized by the Paschal Mystery

The Paschal Mystery What is the Paschal Mystery? –The Passion The suffering of Jesus –Death The crucifixion and entombment of Jesus –Resurrection Jesus risen to new life after death –Ascension Jesus re-joining God in Heaven

The Paschal Mystery What is the Paschal Mystery? –The Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ But, the Paschal Mystery does not just refer to the historical experiences of the divine person of Jesus The Paschal Mystery is also something that all Christians are called to experience and “re- member” in everyday life in order to truly live the life of a faithful Christian –Let me explain with a story from CFX Alabama 2008

The Paschal Mystery CFX Alabama 2008 –March 16 – 22, 2008 (Holy Week, 2008)

The Paschal Mystery CFX Alabama 2008 –March 16 – 22, 2008 (Holy Week, 2008) And this is how Christians experience the Paschal Mystery in everyday life in the modern world –Jim suffered the Passion of the loss of his job and psychological depression –Jim experienced a figurative Death when he was entombed in his house for over three months –During that week, Jim was restored to life and experienced the joy and hope of the Resurrection –We can be quite certain that Jim continued to experience Resurrected life and the Ascension in the days, weeks, and months since our departure

The Paschal Mystery Another good example of how Christians experience the Paschal Mystery in everyday life in the modern world is found in the movie On the Waterfront (1954)

The Paschal Mystery On the Waterfront (1954) Another example of the Paschal Mystery in everyday life in the modern world –The longshoremen suffered the Passion of dishonest and greedy union bosses and their corrupt hiring practices –The longshoremen were Crucified for standing up for themselves and speaking out against the influence of the Mob on the waterfront and, sometimes, even faced literal Death –The longshoremen experienced the joy and hope of the Resurrection when Fr. Barry helped them regain their dignity, overcome the opposition, and take control of the waterfront –The longshoremen experienced the Ascension as they continued to take control of their lives and as their control of the waterfront solidified

The Paschal Mystery Letter to the Romans 6: Or are you unaware that we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 We were indeed buried with him through baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might live in newness of life. 5 For if we have grown into union with him through a death like his, we shall also be united with him in the resurrection. 6 We know that our old self was crucified with him, so that our sinful body might be done away with, that we might no longer be in slavery to sin. 7 For a dead person has been absolved from sin. 8 If, then, we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him. 9 We know that Christ, raised from the dead, dies no more; death no longer has power over him. 10 As to his death, he died to sin once and for all; as to his life, he lives for God. 11 Consequently, you too must think of yourselves as (being) dead to sin and living for God in Christ Jesus.

The Paschal Mystery Letter to the Romans 6: 3-11 Baptized into the life of Christ Jesus and the Paschal Mystery –The Sacrament of Baptism unites us with the Person of Jesus –Into his Death by crucifixion and burial Die to our old self and enslavement to sin –To live in the newness of his Resurrected life Raised to new life to live for God

The Paschal Mystery The Sacrament of Baptism unites us with the Person of Jesus and the Paschal Mystery Through Baptism, the Christian is called to emulate the Person of Jesus, imitate his words and deeds, and accept the tragic suffering (Passion and Death) as well as the joy and hope (Resurrection and Ascension) associated with the Paschal Mystery In brief, through Baptism, Christians are called to live out the Paschal Mystery in their everyday life and be the Sacrament of Jesus to the people of the world

The Paschal Mystery