THE GOSPEL … in the OT Victory in Battles (2 Samuel 18) What God will do to free the exiles (Isaiah 40:9; 52:7; 60:6; and 61:1)
THE GOSPEL … in the Roman World Inscriptions that herald the good news (gospel) of peace that is brought by the Roman Emperor.
THE GOSPEL … as a newly created genre of literature Not a biography – lacks details of typical biography Focus on Jesus’ teaching, miracles, death, resurrection
THE GOSPEL … as a newly created genre of literature THEOLOGICAL NARRATIVE Announcement of what God has done in Christ to save the world!
THE GOSPEL … as a newly created genre of literature FULFILLMENT of the OT hope and promises A new thing God has done, rooted in the OT story of God.
THE “GOSPELS” – Their Origin ORAL TRADITION – the preaching and witness of the first followers of Jesus ORAL TRADITION – the preaching and witness of the first followers of Jesus Collecting these stories and recording them for communities of faith Collecting these stories and recording them for communities of faith
THE “GOSPELS” – Their Origin SYNOPTIC GOSPELS SYNOPTIC GOSPELS Matthew Matthew Mark Mark Luke Luke SIMILARITIES SIMILARITIES Common Plot Line Common Plot Line Common Time Line: 1 year for Jesus’ ministry Common Time Line: 1 year for Jesus’ ministry Common stories Common stories
THE “GOSPELS” – Their Origin SYNOPTIC GOSPELS SYNOPTIC GOSPELS Matthew Matthew Mark Mark Luke Luke DIFFERENCES DIFFERENCES Different Stories Different Stories Different Settings Different Settings Different Themes, Aims, Audiences Different Themes, Aims, Audiences
THE SYNOPTIC PROBLEM How Do We Account For These Similarities and Differences How Do We Account For These Similarities and Differences Two-Source Hypothesis Two-Source Hypothesis MARK - earliest MARK - earliest “Q” – shared source by Matthew and Luke “Q” – shared source by Matthew and Luke “M” – Matthew material “M” – Matthew material “L” – Lukan material “L” – Lukan material
2-SOURCE HYPOTHESIS Mark as first Gospel (primarily stories of Jesus and not sayings) Mark as first Gospel (primarily stories of Jesus and not sayings) Theoretical source that had sayings of Jesus (“Q”—quelle [source]) Theoretical source that had sayings of Jesus (“Q”—quelle [source]) Matthew and Luke might have used both Mark and “Q” as well as material unique to themselves “M” – Matthew, “L” - Luke Matthew and Luke might have used both Mark and “Q” as well as material unique to themselves “M” – Matthew, “L” - Luke
THE GOSPEL OF JOHN VASTLY DIFFERENT VASTLY DIFFERENT Stories Stories Language Language Time Line – 3 years of ministry Time Line – 3 years of ministry Audience, Setting Audience, Setting Theological Purpose Theological Purpose
THE LIFE AND MINISTRY OF JESUS OF NAZARETH Birth Baptism / Temptation Calling Disciples Ministry of Healing & Teaching – Galilee Parables Journey to Jerusalem Death and Resurrection
THE LIFE AND MINISTRY OF JESUS OF NAZARETH BIRTH Mark – Baptism Matthew – Birth Luke – Conception John – Before Time Began BORN OF A VIRGIN BORN IN BETHLEHEM Fully Human, Yet Fully God – Immanuel / Jesus / Son of God / Savior / Word Incarnate
THE LIFE AND MINISTRY OF JESUS OF NAZARETH Baptism / Temptation Baptized by John in the Jordan Led by the Spirit into the Wilderness to be tempted Identifies completely with us – He takes his place in line Tempted in every way as we are – yet without sin Saves us as “God with us”
THE LIFE AND MINISTRY OF JESUS OF NAZARETH Calling Disciples Why were there 12? In Jesus’ world disciples chose their rabbi… Disciple – one who is trained to be like the master Disciples learn by spending time with their master The disciples grow slowly in understanding – who is He?
THE LIFE AND MINISTRY OF JESUS OF NAZARETH Ministry of Healing & Teaching – Galilee Luke 4:18-19 Authority over demonic and chaotic forces Authority over sickness and death Authority over the religious teachings of the scribes and Pharisees
THE LIFE AND MINISTRY OF JESUS OF NAZARETH Parables Stories about the kingdom of God Stories that were indirect and subversive - tore down old notions of God’s kingdom Stories that live in the heart and imagination of the church, continually shaping our vision of the kingdom.
THE LIFE AND MINISTRY OF JESUS OF NAZARETH Journey to Jerusalem The Great Confession at Caesarea Philippi – You are the Christ The Passion Predictions Disciples learning the ways of Jesus as they walk with him on the way to Jerusalem – we follow Jesus into this life of laying down our lives for the world
THE LIFE AND MINISTRY OF JESUS OF NAZARETH Death and Resurrection The Passion of Our Lord Tried and Convicted Under Pontius Pilate Crucified by Roman guard on a hill called Golgotha - Skull (also known as Calvary) Sealed in Joseph’s tomb Raised by the power of God on the 3 rd Day!
THE KINGDOM OF GOD!!! The dominant theme of Jesus’ ministry
THE KINGDOM OF GOD…in Jesus’ ministry It is presently arriving “…Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is arriving…” (Mark 1:14-15)
THE KINGDOM OF GOD…in Jesus’ ministry The expected battle with evil is being fought NOT in the distant future but in Jesus’ ministry “If it is by the Spirit of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come to you” (Matthew 12:28)
THE KINGDOM OF GOD…in Jesus’ ministry It is “among” or “in” you “Once when Jesus was asked when the kingdom of God was coming, he answered, ‘The kingdom of God is not coming with things that can be observed; nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There it is!’ For, in fact, the kingdom of God is among you’” (Luke 17:20-21)
THE KINGDOM OF GOD…in Jesus’ ministry It is “the will of God being done on earth as it is in heaven”
THE KINGDOM OF GOD…in Jesus’ ministry It is all expectations turned “upside down” Jesus’ use of parables: upset normal conventions and understandings Weakness=Strength Last=First Death=Life
THE KINGDOM OF GOD…in Jesus’ ministry It is comprised of “outsiders” rather than “insiders” Sinners, lepers, tax collectors, women, Samaritans Matthew 21:31
THE KINGDOM OF GOD…in Jesus’ ministry It is presently arriving in Jesus’ ministry! The expected battle is being fought in Jesus’ ministry! It is among you now! It is God’s will on earth as in heaven! It is all expectations turned upside down! It is made up of “outsiders”!