The Extended Family Tree of Pieter(2) Pietersen Ostrander Amsterdam Origins m.1st March 1623 m. 14 July 1654 in Amsterdam (his 2nd, her 1st) m. 31 Oct. 1660 in Amsterdam (her 2nd, his 1st) Tryntje Thyssen b. c1604, Nordstrand d. before 1654 Pieter(1) Carstensen b. c1604, Husum (or Nordstrand) d. c1659 East Indies Geesje Jans b. c1632. Norden d/o Jan Doets Arent Teunissen bpt. 27 Dec 1637 Amsterdam d. c1713/14, NY 4 sons and 6 daughters (none named Tryntje) Perhaps named after Tryntje Thyssen Tryntje(2) Pieters Bpt. 29 Dec. 1654 Amsterdam) Pieter(2) Pietersen Bpt. 3 July 1657 Amsterdam De St. Jan Baptist Arrived 6 August 1661 New Amsterdam m. c1672/73 Hendrick Albertse[n] m. 19 January 1679 In Kingston Rebecca Traphagen Colonial America Origins – siblings of Pieter(2) Pietersen and Tryntje(2) Pieters by virtue of their mother’s 2nd marriage Herman Arentsen Pier Bpt, 10 Aug 1661 New York RDC Jannetje Arents Pier, b. Wiltwyck Bpt. 12 July 1664 ODC of Kingston Gepje Arents Pier b. Wiltwyck Bpt. 25 Mar 1668 ODC of Kingston Teunis Arentsen Pier, b. Hurley 1673 Bpt. mid 1673 Kingston Papers He was baptized four days after the family’s arrival (perhaps born at sea) and seems to never have married m. January 1682 Pieter Winnen Jr. 1st banns 5 January m. 1st - 19 Jan 1685 Hendrick Adriaanse m. 2nd - 30 Apr 1699 Wm. Traphagen Jr. m. 5 July 1702 Margriet du Foer September 2008
Origins of the Ostrander Family in Colonial America The progenitor of the Ostrander family PIETER(2) PIETERSEN was the son of Pieter Carstensen of Husum (or Nordstrand) and Geesje Jans of Norden. His father died in the East Indies c1659 so he was but a 4-year old boy when he arrived in New Amsterdam on 6 August 1661 with his mother Geesje Jans, sister Tryntje Pieters and stepfather Arent Teunissen on board the Dutch ship De St. Jan Baptist. The family initially settled on Coney Island in Brooklyn, NY where Arent built and operated a salt kettle before relocating to Wiltwyck (now Kingston) c1663/64 where our ancestor PIETER PIETERSEN met and married Rebecca Traphagen, the daughter of a relatively wealthy immigrant from Lemgo, Lippe (in what is now a part of Germany). The family name ultimately changed from its Dutch patronymic Pietersen to Ostrander in the early 1700’s. m. 14 July 1654 in Amsterdam (his 2nd, her 1st) Amsterdam Marriage Intentions 26 June 1654 PIETER(1) CARSTENSEN (of Husum or Nordstrand, Dutchy of Schleswig-Holstein then in the Kingdom of Denmark), resident of Amsterdam, widower of Tryntje Thyssen and GEESJE JANS of Norden Pieter(1) Carstensen b. c1604, Husum (or Nordstrand) d. c1659 East Indies Geesje Jans b. c1632. Norden d/o Jan Doets Tryntje(2) Pieters Bpt. 29 Dec. 1654 Amsterdam (perhaps, named after Tryntje Thyssen) Pieter(2) Pietersen Bpt. 3 July 1657 Amsterdam m. 19 January 1679, In Kingston Rebecca Traphagen The Progenitors of the OSTRANDER Family m. c1672/73 Hendrick Albertse[n] Ploeg 13 children Children of the 3rd Generation of the OSTRANDER family PIETER b. c1680 m. Rachel Dingman 5 June 1704 WILLEM bpt 24 Sept 1682 m. Maritje de Hooges c1705 ARENT bpt 5 Oct 1684 m. Gertruy Maasen Van Bloemendaal c1710 CATRINA bpt 5 Sept 1686 JOHANNES bpt 25 Sept 1688 m. Elizabeth Van Den Berg 22 Feb 1713 THEUNIS bpt 16 Jan 1691 (no record) m. Maritje Suyland 21 May 1718 HENDRICK bpt 18 Sept 1693 m. Elizabeth Van Bommel 12 May 1724 HERMANUS bpt 10 Nov 1695 LEAH (Lea) bpt 1 May 1698 (Twin) RACHEL bpt 1 May 1698 (Twin) m. Solomon Terwilliger 8 July 1720 GEESJE bpt 19 May 1700 m. Ary Roosa 9 Feb 1722 REBECCA b. c1702 (no baptism record) m. Johannes de Hooges Van Etten Under Review JACOB bpt 12 Jan 1706 Albany RDC m. Maritje Roosa 11 Nov 1726 Updated September 2008
Origins of the Combined Ostrander-Pier Family in Colonial America The progenitor of the Ostrander family PIETER(2) PIETERSEN was the son of Pieter Carstensen of Husum (or Nordstrand) and Geesje Jans of Norden. His father died in the East Indies c1659 so he was but a 4-year old boy when he arrived in New Amsterdam on 6 August 1661 with his mother Geesje Jans, sister Tryntje Pieters and stepfather Arent Teunissen on board the Dutch ship De St. Jan Baptist. The family initially settled on Coney Island in Brooklyn, NY where Arent built and operated a salt kettle before relocating to Wiltwyck (now Kingston) c1663/64 where our ancestor PIETER PIETERSEN met and married Rebecca Traphagen, the daughter of a relatively wealthy immigrant from Lemgo, Lippe (in what is now a part of Germany). The family name ultimately changed from its Dutch patronymic Pietersen to Ostrander in the early 1700’s. Extended Family Tree m. 31 Oct. 1660 in Amsterdam (her 2nd, his 1st) m. 14 July 1654 in Amsterdam (his 2nd, her 1st) m. 1st 1623 Tryntje Thyssen b. c1604, Nordstrand d. before 1654 Pieter(1) Carstensen b. c1604, Husum (or Nordstrand) d. c1659 East Indies Geesje Jans b. c1632. Norden d/o Jan Doets Arent Teunissen bpt. 27 Dec 1637 Amsterdam d. c1713/14, NY Died in Kingston The Progenitors of one of two PIER Family lines in America ? Tryntje(2) Pieters Bpt. 29 Dec. 1654 Amsterdam (perhaps named after Tryntje Thyssen) Pieter(2) Pietersen Bpt. 3 July 1657 Amsterdam Herman Arentsen Pier Bpt, 10 Aug 1661 New York RDC Jannetje Arents Pier, b. Wiltwyck Bpt. 12 July 1664 ODC of Kingston Gepje Arents Pier b. Wiltwyck Bpt. 25 Mar 1668 ODC of Kingston Teunis Arentsen Pier, b. Hurley 1673 Bpt. mid 1673 Kingston Papers m. 19 January 1679, Rebecca Traphagen The Progenitors of the OSTRANDER Family m. c1672/73 Hendrick Albertse[n] Ploeg 13 children May never have married m. January 1682 Pieter Winnen Jr. 1st banns 5 January m. 1st - 19 Jan 1685 Hendrick Adriaanse m. 2nd - 30 Apr 1699 Wm. Traphagen Jr. m. 5 July 1702 Margriet du Foer Children of the 3rd Generation of the OSTRANDER family PIETER b. c1680 m. Rachel Dingman 5 June 1704 WILLEM bpt 24 Sept 1682 m. Maritje de Hooges c1705 ARENT bpt 5 Oct 1684 m. Gertruy Maasen Van Bloemendaal c1710 CATRINA bpt 5 Sept 1686 JOHANNES bpt 25 Sept 1688 m. Elizabeth Van Den Berg 22 Feb 1713 THEUNIS bpt 16 Jan 1691 (no record) m. Maritje Suyland 21 May 1718 HENDRICK bpt 18 Sept 1693 m. Elizabeth Van Bommel 12 May 1724 HERMANUS bpt 10 Nov 1695 LEAH (Lea) bpt 1 May 1698 (Twin) RACHEL bpt 1 May 1698 (Twin) m. Solomon Terwilliger 8 July 1720 GEESJE bpt 19 May 1700 m. Ary Roosa 9 Feb 1722 REBECCA b. c1702 (no baptism record) m. Johannes de Hooges Van Etten Under Review JACOB bpt 12 Jan 1706 Albany RDC m. Maritje Roosa 11 Nov 1726 Updated September 2008