06/04/ Denominations in the 13 Colonies: 17th & 18 th Century America “From the Reformation to the Constitution” Bill Petro your friendly neighborhood historian
06/04/ Objectives By the end of this session you should be able to Trace development of American Colonial Religion Define “denominationalism” Discuss origins of American denominationalism
06/04/ Reformation Traditions Lutheranism Episcopal Anabaptist Congregational Mennonites English Sep English Baptists } Reformed Presbyterian Scottish Presbyterian Dutch Reformed Lutheran 1517 Luther - Melanchthon French-Swiss 1532 Calvin - Beza German-Swiss 1519 Zwingli - Bullinger Swiss Brethren 1525 Grebel – Manz - Simonsz English 1536 Henry VIII - Cranmer Anglican Episcopal Church of England
06/04/ American Church History ColonialNationalModern CalvinismArminianism Biblistic Rationalism Liberalism Subjectivism Existentialism Theocentrism Anthropocentrism Liberalism
06/04/ Colonies: 1650
06/04/ The 3 G’s Gold God Glory
06/04/ Colonies: 1750
06/04/2006 8
06/04/ The Colonies Anglicanism: established religion in 6 of 13 colonies Virginia: London company settled Jamestown 1607 Maryland: settled by George & Cecil Calvert North & South Carolina: one colony for ½ century Georgia: founded in 1732 for imprisoned debtors New York: owned by the Dutch, then English
06/04/ Outline by Region New EnglandCongregationalists Rhode IslandBaptists Middle Colonies Quakers Mennonites Moravians Lutherans Presbyterians MarylandRoman Catholic South, NY, etc.Anglican
06/04/ “Denominationalism” Primary expression of American Christianity, post 1740’s Based, in part, on freedom to differ Denomination vs. Sect Inclusive vs. Exclusive The true church cannot be identified with any single ecclesiastical structure Seed planted by Reformers: not of bishops but of believers Architected by Congregationalists at Westminster Assembly
06/04/ American Congregationalism English Pilgrims English Puritans 1620 Plymouth 1630 Boston 1691 Merge w/ Mass. Bay Co. New Lights Old Lights 1734
06/04/ Roger Williams and Baptists Expelled from Mass Bay Colony Founded Providence, Rhode Island Colony 1638 Rebaptized church
06/04/ ’s New Light Cong’ists Baptists Regular Baptists Calvinist Separate Baptists Arminian 1630’s Roger Williams 1787 Constitution 1845 Northern Baptists Southern Baptists
06/04/ Quakers Founder: George Fox Defender: Robert Barclay Promoter: William Penn
06/04/ William Penn : 8,000 Quakers in Pennsylvania
06/04/ Penn’s Government
06/04/ Quaker Meetings Repugnant to other denominations: Equality for women Speaking in Meeting Preaching the Gospel
06/04/ Mennonites Followers of Menno Simons Germany, Switzerland, Holland → Pennsylvania Quakers tolerated various sects, New England Congrationalists didn’t “In New England there is great liberty, if you hurry” 17th-century Swiss Mennonite bishop, Jakob Amman: Amish
06/04/ Moravians Germany → Savanna, Georgia Fled mosquitoes and Spanish George Whitfield invited them to “forks of Delaware River” (Pennsylvania) Built school for training of Indians Settled Nazareth, Bethlehem, Winston-Salem
06/04/ Lutherans Dutch: New Amster 1620’s Swedes: Delaware Vly 1630’s Germans: Pennsylvania 1700’s
06/04/ Roman Catholicism in Maryland Father Andrew White ( ) First mass upon the arrival of the Ark and the Dove 1634: 200 settlers aboard 1632: George Calvert “Lord Baltimore” obtained charter from Charles I for Maryland
06/04/ Presbyterian Organization Session Presbytery Synod Presbytery Synod National Assembly
06/04/ Presbyterians English Presbyterian Puritans Continental Reform Groups Scots- Irish st Presbytery st Synod 1729 Adopting Act st Nat As’mbly
06/04/ Word Summary Catholic ChurchMerit LutherJustification ZwingliSovereignty AnabaptistsBeliever’s Baptism CalvinOmnipotence ArminiusAbility “Calvinism”TULIP KnoxThundering Henry VIIIMarried PilgrimsSeparatists PuritansSaints DenominationsInclusive