INTRODUCTION “ You first received the Holy Spirit in your life the moment you accepted Christ as your saviour. Romans 8:9 But there is yet another experience of the Holy Spirit which IS distinct from salvation and it is referred to in scripture as the Baptism in the Holy Spirit... When one is baptised in the Holy Spirit he is literally immersed in the power and presence of the Spirit.”
PURPOSE Basically, this experience is for power that we might be witnesses of Christ both in word and deed. Acts 1:8 The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is given not only so that we might minister to others, but that God might minister to us as well
THE VISION INTENSIFIED ‘ONLY God and the Power of His Holy Spirit, can make the fellowship ALIVE and VITAL.’
Simply by praying and asking God for the baptism or infilling Luke 11:9-13
QUALIFICATION Received Jesus as Lord and Saviour Acts 2:38, 39 (Renounced any false teachings that might hold back or confuse you.)
INITIAL EVIDENCE? Speaking in tongues Acts 2:4, 11 – the 120 on the day of Pentecost Acts 10:46 – At the house of Cornelius Acts 19:6 – At Ephesus Paul: ‘I want you all to speak in tongues’ 1 Cor. 14:5, 18 In many ways, the tongue is central (James 3:6, 8 and Proverbs 18:21
POSSIBLE FEAR OF TONGUES Out of control? Interpretation needed? Alone in the boat? Wesleyan Manner?
PRAYER ASK: James 4:2 ‘You do not have because you do not ask. BELIEVE: Believe you received the moment you asked. John 16:24 CONFESS: confess with your lips. Speaking in tongues is a childlike act of faith. It involves no ability but rather the setting aside of ability. It is simply speaking, using your voice but instead of saying what you mind wants you to say, you trust the Holy Spirit to guide your voice directly to say what He wants you to say. See Acts 2:4
WHAT MAY HAPPEN AT THIS POINT May begin to speak immediately in a beautiful language Few halting sounds May not succeed in beginning to speak due to SELF-CONCIOUSNESS and INHIBITION New words in mind Occasionally, may see written words
HOW WILL I FEEL? ▫May feel nothing! ▫Sudden breakthrough ▫May just feel a lightness and reality down in your spirit as you begin to speak and the awareness grows One thing is sure though, if you don’t accept the experience as real you won’t be aware of its reality. Remember, the Christian life is built on faith – trust and acceptance