To use images and a clip from The Simpsons to understand how a religious upbringing may lead to a belief in God.
Grade C All – Will be able to list the main features of a Christian upbringing. Grade B Most – Will be able to explain how these features may lead to, or support a belief in God. Grade A-A* Some - Will be able to evaluate some positives and negatives of a religious upbringing. Grade C All – Will be able to list the main features of a Christian upbringing. Grade B Most – Will be able to explain how these features may lead to, or support a belief in God. Grade A-A* Some - Will be able to evaluate some positives and negatives of a religious upbringing.
Who or what influences you? Think about when you were growing up, and even now, who or what influences you in your life? Make a list in the back of your books!
How will he be influenced? Discuss with the person next to you – what might our families influence?
Can you work out the main features of a religious upbringing from the picture clues? Try to give a little bit of detail about each one.
During BAPTISM the child is welcomed into the Church. Godparents, friends and the congregation promise to be a good Christian example for the developing child.
Praying at home and going to Church are a big part of a Christian upbringing. By going to Church regularly the majority of people the young person will meet will have a belief in God.
Christian parents will often choose a Church school. They will also often send their child to Sunday School usually held at their Church. Parents will also often educate their children at home about their religion.
Christian parents, the Church and Church schools will encourage children to make a commitment to their faith. This is known as confirmation – the child confirms that they want to be part of that faith.
Churches often provide social events to bring the family and community together. EXAMPLES: Prayer/bible groups, youth clubs, parties (to celebrate festivals).
Grade C All – Will be able to list the main features of a Christian upbringing. Grade C All – Will be able to list the main features of a Christian upbringing.
Look at each feature of a religious upbringing. How might this influence a child to start, or continue to believe in God? Working in PAIRS comment on how each feature of a religious upbringing might influence a child.
Children are started out in life religious. The decision to be religious is made for them. The child is now part of the church community and this can further influence them.
The majority of people the young person will meet will be religious and this will encourage their developing faith. Seeing so many people worshipping God when they go to church will make them believe God exists.
Church school continues to surround the child with a strong sense of community that all believe the same thing. They will be taught that God exists when they go to Sunday school, or Church school, and will believe because their teachers tell them its true.
The young person can now confirm for themselves the promises made by their parents during their baptism.
A sense of belonging helps the young person to express their faith and build friendships with other people of a similar age that believe the same thing.
Grade B Most – Will be able to explain how these features may lead to, or support a belief in God. Grade B Most – Will be able to explain how these features may lead to, or support a belief in God.
Helps keep the family together – parents and children can join in religious activities together. Gives children an understanding of what is RIGHT and WRONG and good morals. Gives children a sense of belonging and community, giving them emotional stability. Children are brought up following a religion they have not chosen themselves. Can take away a child’s human right to freedom of religion. Can reinforce and continue religious prejudices which are harmful to society.
Use the notes you have made to answer Q2 on p2. It is a (d) question so you need to give three agree points and three disagree points. At least one of your points must be religious.
Complete page 6 of your REVISION WORKBOOK using your notes from this lesson. Swap with a partner and mark each others work in GREEN PEN The type of question is (d) and the marks for the question are (6). Please comment – giving a POSITIVE and a TARGET
Grade A-A* Some -Will be able to evaluate some positives and negatives of a religious upbringing. Grade A-A* Some -Will be able to evaluate some positives and negatives of a religious upbringing.
Plenary How would Trevor MacDonald (a famous newsreader) sum up what you have learnt today in a maximum of fifteen seconds?