The Necessity of Baptism. DEFINE SALVATION. God desires Salvation for all people.


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Presentation transcript:

The Necessity of Baptism


God desires Salvation for all people

Salvation comes through the grace of Jesus Christ

God desires Salvation for all people Salvation comes through the grace of Jesus Christ Christ’s ministry of grace is passed down through the Church

God desires Salvation for all people Salvation comes through the grace of Jesus Christ Christ’s ministry of grace is passed down through the Church The Grace of Baptism is necessary for Salvation (from John 3:5)

John 3:5 Jesus answered, “Amen, amen, I say to you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit.”

But, what about…? A man in a car accident on the way to his Baptism?

But, what about…? A man in a car accident on the way to his Baptism? A kind and wise woman who lives in a secluded tribe in the wilderness?

But, what about…? A man in a car accident on the way to his Baptism? A kind and wise woman who lives in a secluded tribe in the wilderness? A faithful and virtuous Muslim or Hindu who lives in South Bend?

But, what about…? A man in a car accident on the way to his Baptism? A kind and wise woman who lives in a secluded tribe in the wilderness? A faithful and virtuous Muslim or Hindu who lives in South Bend? An Atheist who was raised Catholic?

But, what about…? A man in a car accident on the way to his Baptism? A kind and wise woman who lives in a secluded tribe in the wilderness? A faithful and virtuous Muslim or Hindu who lives in South Bend? An Atheist who was raised Catholic? An Apathetic/Luke-warm Catholic?