BODY OF CHRIST - All who have placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ; the universal church.
BAPTISM OF THE SPIRIT - The act at salvation by which the Holy Spirit places a believer into union with Christ and with other believers in the body of Christ.
T or F Statement 1. A purpose of the baptism of the Spirit is to add new people to the body of Christ. 2. We are commanded in the Bible to be baptized by the Spirit.
T or F Statement 3. The baptism of the Spirit is an emotional feeling experienced by believers who are spiritual. 4. The baptism of the Spirit is a onetime event that takes place at salvation.
T or F Statement 5. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is unique to the Church Age. 6. The baptism of the Spirit gives a new identity to believers as members of the body of Christ.
When one is in Christ, old things have passed and all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). Just moments before His ascension into Heaven, Jesus told His disciples to wait for the baptism of the Spirit (Acts 1:4-5).
Believers are commanded to be filled, not baptized, with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). You should daily make the choice to crucify yourself, by denying yourself, and taking up your cross daily (Luke 9:23).
Try This Week… Follow-Up of New Convert – Ask your youth pastor if you can help him disciple a new believer.