The Gift of Speech Confirmation is the “sacrament of the Holy Spirit” The Holy Spirit is the source of holiness and love in the Church, and the bond of unity among all Christians
Understanding the Sacrament of Confirmation We are “more perfectly bound to the Church and are endowed with the special strength of the Holy Spirit” Many times Jesus promised the outpouring of the Holy Spirit Pentecost: Birthday of the Church
Origins of the Sacrament of Confirmation Laying on of hands—ancient gesture used in Confirmation that symbolizes the giving of the Father’s own Spirit to the recipient Anointing with perfumed oil (chrism) added later
Two Traditions of the Sacrament Emerge Confirmation and Baptism were a single celebration—“double sacrament” As the numbers of Christians increased, the bishop could not attend all Baptisms The Church in the West desired to maintain a connection to the bishop—a double anointing was begun At Confirmation, the bishop confers the second anointing The Church in the East celebrates Baptism and Confirmation as one single celebration
Teachings about Confirmation The Council of Trent defended the sacramental character of Confirmation In the United States, the age of Confirmation ranges from the age of discretion (age seven) to age sixteen
Celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation The bishop blesses the Oil of Catechumens, the Oil of the Sick, and Chrism at an annual diocesan celebration The celebration of Confirmation ordinarily takes place at Mass in the presence of the Christian assembly.
The Rite of Confirmation The bishop dips his right thumb in the chrism, then (with his thumb) makes the sign of the Cross on the forehead of the person, saying “N., be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit”
Others Things about the Sacrament Every baptized person who is not yet confirmed can and should receive the Sacrament Adequate preparation and instruction is necessary The “original minister” of the Sacrament of Confirmation is a bishop
The Grace of Confirmation Baptism and Confirmation are intimately linked Baptism gives us a new life in Christ and a new identity as members of him Body, the Church Confirmation strengthens, intensifies, deepens and builds on the graces we were given at Baptism
The Grace of Confirmation Confirmation completes Baptism and perfects Baptismal grace
The Grace of Confirmation Roots us more deeply in the divine filiation which makes us cry, “Abba, Father!” Unites us more firmly to Christ Increases the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in us Renders our bond with the Church more perfect Gives us a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith by word and action as true witnesses of Christ
Confirmation Confers a New Character The “character” of Confirmation helps us to spread and defend the faith as witnesses of Christ and to never be ashamed of the Cross We see ourselves as God’s anointed.
Sr. Thea Bowman A Catholic convert and African-American religious in the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration “I don’t make sense of suffering; I try to make sense of life”