From Evidence to Action Score card templates These templates can be used alongside the worksheets contained in the From Evidence to Action core pack. There is a template for each of the key factors found to be linked to growing churches. The score card templates could be used with groups in the following ways: 1)To help group members to decide on their overall score for that factor as part of the review process 2)Alternatively - group members can be asked to score the review questions instinctively. They can then be invited to complete the checklist to help identify problem areas and to open up discussion. Whichever approach is used, the group should then seek to agree an overall group score for the particular factor. These templates have been developed drawing on material from the Diocese of Liverpool’s Growth Planning Framework.Growth Planning Framework
A growing Church is likely to have a clear mission and purpose and clergy and congregations who are intentional about growth Out of ten, how do you rate your church as one with a clear mission and purpose and one which is intentional about growth? Score /10 1.Do we have a clear sense of our vision as a church? 2.Do we have a clear sense of our distinctive offer as a church? 3.Do we have a clear vision for growth that is understood and owned by members of the church? 4.Does our church have a Mission Action Plan or another form of mission / growth plan? 5.Is our church intentional about setting clear goals that move our vision forwards 6.Are our activities in line with our vision and priorities? YESNOYESNOYESNOYESNOYESNOYESNO
A growing Church is likely to understand its context, actively engage with it and those who might not currently go to church Out of ten, how do you rate your church at 1)Understanding your context? (e.g. your local area) 2)Actively engaging with it, especially with those who might not currently go to church Score /10 1.Do we have any specific plans to connect with and reach out to people as yet untouched by our church? 2.Does our community know that we are here; do we have a good reputation as a faith community or do we need to build bridges to our community? 3.Are we sufficiently and creatively involved with our local school(s), church and non church schools, lay and ordained involvement? 4.Are there particular parts of the parish which are largely untouched by our church? 5.Do we have plans to start a new service, a fresh expression, or a new church plant within the next 2 years? YESNO YESNO YESNO YESNO YESNO Score /10
A growing Church is likely to be willing to self-reflect, change and adapt according to its context Out of ten, how do you rate your church as one that is willing to self- reflect, change and adapt? Score /10 YESNOYESNOYESNOYESNOYESNOYESNO 1.Do we have regular opportunities to reflect as a church community on our mission and ministry? 2.In general, is our regular worship effective at drawing people into the presence of God? 3.Do we have a sufficiently varied diet of worship that takes place at the most appropriate times? 4.Are we prepared to welcome and embrace change if change is required to make our vision a reality? 5.Are we making full and creative use of our buildings for mission and outreach? 6.Are we prepared to experiment and’ have a go’ with new initiatives investing in what works and pruning what does not?
A growing Church is likely to have lay people as well as ordained clergy active in leadership and other roles Out of ten, how do you rate your church as one where lay as well as ordained people are active in leadership and other roles? Score /10 YESNOYESNOYESNOYESNOYESNOYESNO 1.Are we committed in principle and practice to growing collaborative shared ministry and leadership? 2.In general, do people feel they have a place within church life and are given opportunities to try things out? 3.Do we regularly rotate volunteer service among a larger number of people? 4.Do we help our volunteers and lay leaders to get the appropriate level of training and support if they require it? 5.Do we encourage new people and young people to play an active part? 6.Do we have more people in leadership positions than 12 months ago?
A growing Church is likely to actively engage children and young people Out of ten, how do you rate your church as one which actively engages children and young people? Score /10 1.If we have children in our church are we doing the following things to keep them into their teens and young adulthood? a) Youth programmes b) Worship services designed for youth or children c) Camps, Christian youth festivals and retreats d) Do we have dedicated paid or voluntary youth / children’s workers / volunteers 2. If we don’t have (many) children in our church are we trying to attract young families to church by… a) Having all age / family services, perhaps once a month b) Holding special child focused services to attract families who wouldn’t normally come to church e.g. Messy Church c) Making children / families feel welcome in the main service (e.g. children’s corner) 3. Are we making the most of our baptism connections? YESNO YESNO YESNO YESNO YESNO YESNO YESNO YESNO
A growing Church is likely to be welcoming and build on-going relationships with people Out of ten, how do you rate your church as one that is welcoming? Score /10 YESNOYESNOYESNOYESNOYESNOYESNO 1.Does our welcome and hospitality help people quickly feel comfortable and settled in our church? 2.Do we have an attractive welcome pack / welcome literature? 3.Does everyone in our church play their part in welcoming people and help them belong? 4.Do we notice if people stop coming and follow this up? 5.Do our church members use every opportunity to invite family and friends along? 6.Are we good at spotting and engaging with new comers?
A growing Church is likely to nurture disciples (encouraging people to explore and deepen their faith and live it out in their daily lives)? Out of ten, how do you rate your church as one which nurtures disciples? Score /10 YESNOYESNOYESNOYESNOYESNOYESNO 1.Do we regularly see people coming to / beginning a journey of faith in our church? 2.Do we guide and equip people to pray and to mature in their spiritual lives? 3.Do we help people to read and reflect upon the Bible? 4.Do we run regular Christian basics courses? 5.Do we help people talk about and live out their faith day by day beyond the walls of the church? 6.Do we have effective ways, including small groups, of helping people mature in their faith and their walk with God?
A growing Church is likely to have clergy and lay leaders who innovate, envision and motivate people Out of ten, how do you rate your church as one that actively seeks to build a leadership team (e.g. your PCC) which has a balance of gifts and including those who can innovate, envision and motivate people for growth? Score /10 YESNOYESNOYESNOYESNOYESNO 1.Do we encourage, support and pray for our leadership team (lay and ordained)? 2.Do we encourage all our people to discern their gifts, spiritual and practical? 3.Does our leadership team encourage everyone to use their skills and gifts? 4.Does our leadership team include those who are good at innovating, envisioning and motivating people? 5.Does our leadership team seek out leadership potential in others, including newcomers? 6.Is our church intentional in setting clear goals for development and change? YESNO