To 160th Ave Church of Christ
Why Jesus was Baptized? Matt. 3:13-17 Most everybody knows that Jesus was baptized. But hardly anybody knows the reason why. If I ask you why Jesus was baptized. Most say what? Most would probably struggle to give an answer. Jesus’ baptism found in all 4 gospels. Perhaps the most descriptive in Matt. 3:13-17 When you look at this account. There are some things you can learn about his baptism. - It required him going down into the water.
A Few Quick things we can learn: It required him going down into water. (3:16) The Holy Spirit descended upon him when he was baptized. (3:16) The Father proclaims Christ as His son and offers blessing (3:17) John the Baptizer tried to prevent him (3:13) WHY JESUS HAD TO BE BAPTIZED? The text says he came up out of the water. Bible baptism is always an immersion. In fact that is what that term means. The greek word baptizo has been transliterated or simply made an english word baptism but the meaning of that greek word and a possible translation could simply be immersion. While this term is used in reference to fire and to the holy spirit. (baptism of the holy spirit, baptism of fire) when we talk about baptism that deals with water, we are talking about an immersion in water. Not a sprinkling or pouring but an immersion. John 3:23- baptizing at the jordan for there was much water there. John the baptizer was actually reluctant to baptize Jesus. I went ahead and phrased it that way simply to make that distinction that this is what he did, John the baptist, or John the baptizer was called this because that’s what he was doing/involved in. He wasn’t called this because he was involved in some sort of church. There was no church at this point. The one church was founded at Pentecost in Acts 2. In spite of all this, why was Jesus baptized? There are a little bit you can learn about that from the text but you may very well have to go to some other texts to find that out.
Jesus was NOT baptized… As a sign of repentance (Matt. 3:1-2, 6-8; Mark 1:4-5) Jesus had no sin (1 Peter 2:22) Upon a confession of sin (Mark 1:5) For the remission of sins (Mark 1:4) WE ARE DEALING WITH THE PERFECT JESUS!!! When you look in Matt. 3. you see that John’s work involved a baptism of repentance. As a side note. John had a difficult message to convey he had a message of repentance and that has never been very unpopular among men. Men don’t care to be told that they are wrong and need to change their lives. That’s what John was doing. Mark 1:4-5; John’s baptism was to be done as an expression of repentance. Jesus was sinless. We serve a sinless savior. He didn’t have to be baptized like other people were as a sign of repentance. Again from Mark 1:4-5– that they were being baptized confessing their sins. Jesus had no sin to confess. Again Mark 1:4 we see that the purpose of John’s baptism was for the remission of sins. If you asked John why he was baptized that’s what he would have said, for the remission of sins. So that their sins could be taken away. Some will disagree about that but that’s what we see plainly from scripture, I for one can’t argue with that. Someone might say, John’s baptism sure had a lot to do with sin. And tha’ts right. It was done as a sign of repentance from sin. And upon a confession of sin and for the remission sins. But again because Jesus had no sin. We must be talking about something else right? Jesus baptism was not related to sin b/c he had no sin.
Jesus was Baptized to… Fulfill all righteousness (Matt. 3:15) Psalm 119:172 Please the father John 6:38 John 8:29 Matt. 3:17 To Enter his ministry Jesus had not yet begun his ministry at this point. John had doing the preaching. Matt 4 Jesus is tempted. In Matt. 4:17 Jesus began to preach. Jesus’ inauguration. Fufill righteousness. John tried to prevent him, and said I need to Baptism was not required by the law of Moses but was nonetheless a precept given by the prophet of God. Jesus would not refuse to obey any command that had come from God. If God said it I’m going to obey it even if it wasn’t for the reason that John was traditionally baptizing people. So he was baptized because it was a command of God, all of God’s commands are righteousness. As Jesus comes into the world and lives as a man. He came into the world with a mind to obey and please his father. (John 8 It was his father’s will that he do this and it pleased the father. His baptism was a declaration to Israel to reveal himself as the Messiah. The chosen one, the long awaited anointed one. The prophets had looked forward to and pointed towards a coming Messiah, God’s servant. Numerous terms were used to refer to the person that Jesus was the fulfillment of. In Isaiah 42:1- we find one of the prophecies that looked forward to Jesus. God was going to send forth his servant. And how would they know it? Well God’s spirit would be brought forth upon him. What happens at Jesus’ baptism? The Holy Spirit descends as a dove. Providing a declaration to all that this indeed was the Christ. Not only that but there is this proclaimation from the father, that indeed this was his son.
Jesus was Baptized to… Reveal Himself to Israel Reveal Himself to John Isaiah 42:1 Jesus’ baptism and the descent of the Holy Spirit showed that the Messiah had come (Matthew 3:16). John 1:29-32 (a declaration of who Jesus was) Reveal Himself to John John 1:31-34 In a like manner not only was this a declaration to Israel but to John. That was part of the instruction given to John that would serve as a sign to him personally. He seems to recognize who Jesus is and the magnitude of what he is going to accomplish when he approaches in 1:29 but Here he says is where he finds that confirmation and it is from this that he now testifies. John receives affirmation and confirmation that indeed Jesus was God’s son. Enter his ministry Up till this point John had been doing the preaching. Jesus had not begun his ministry. He had not preached or performed miracles. Jesus will begin his ministry at this point in Matt.4:17 and he is esentially teaching what John taught. And it is indeed at this point where John becomes lesser and Jesus becomes greater and John’s ministry will conclude. And later we will read about how John will be imprisoned and then beheaded. But John taught what Jesus now picks up. John’s mission is essentially done.
The Perfect Jesus Was Baptized to: Fulfill all righteousness Please his father Enter into his ministry Reveal himself to Israel Reveal himself to John Possibly allude to role as priest Can you see now see why Jesus was baptized. What is amazing to think, is that when Jesus came to John, John was going to resist Jesus being baptized. He was ready to prevent that from happening. But while John tries to resist this, Jesus insists that it happen. John resists, Jesus insists. Jesus, the perfect sinless savior– insists that he be baptized. What a contrast to the imperfect man who so often resists the command that we have to be baptized. Men today, resist doing what Jesus did willingly! How ironic!!! It’s kind of shocking, kind of stunning. Here you have the perfect sinless Jesus vs. the imperfect sinful men who resist God’s will. This kind of resistance is not new at all. Luke 7:28-30– kind of amazing isn’t it. Here you have people who knew the will of God, saw the will of God but they were not going to be baptized. They resisted. It is possible that some of them were there when Jesus was baptized. I suppose you could boil down the people who would resist God’s will into to groups.
Imperfect Men Resist doing what Jesus did willingly! What a contrast to… Resist doing what Jesus did willingly! This is nothing new (Luke 7:28-30) Those who resist baptism may fall into two groups Some refuse to serve God in any way Others claim to serve God but refuse Baptism to be saved. Arguing against the very words of Christ and his disciples (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; Rom. 6:3-4; 1 Pet. 3:21; Acts 22:16; Gal. 3:26-27; col. 2:12) Some believe this b/c they have been taught wrong. Can you see now see why Jesus was baptized. What is amazing to think, is that when Jesus came to John, John was going to resist Jesus being baptized. He was ready to prevent that from happening. But while John tries to resist this, Jesus insists that it happen. John resists, Jesus insists. Jesus, the perfect sinless savior– insists that he be baptized. What a contrast to the imperfect man who so often resists the command that we have to be baptized. Men today, resist doing what Jesus did willingly! How ironic!!! It’s kind of shocking, kind of stunning. Here you have the perfect sinless Jesus vs. the imperfect sinful men who resist God’s will. This kind of resistance is not new at all. Luke 7:28-30– kind of amazing isn’t it. Here you have people who knew the will of God, saw the will of God but they were not going to be baptized. They resisted. It is possible that some of them were there when Jesus was baptized. I suppose you could boil down the people who would resist God’s will into to groups. There are those that will simply don’t care about God and keeping his commands. They don’t believe in God or heaven and hell, they don’t believe in the Bible. They have not interest in spiritual things, they have not interest in salvation. And I can understand why someone of this mindset would then refuse/resist baptism because they aren’t planning on keeping any of God’s commands and certainly aren’t interested in keeping the command to be baptized. Then there is another group that is a little bit harder for me to understand. Because there is another group that would claim to serve God but specifically refuse baptism as a means of salvation. Many will even argue against the very words of Christ and his disciples that command baptism. WE don’t have to go through all of these you know that verses: (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; Rom. 6:3-4; 1 Pet. 3:21; Acts 22:16 and the list goes on and on gal. 3:26-27; col. 2:12) All of these verses where Jesus and his apostles teach baptism they deny that. And there are a number of reasons why but one is simply because people are being taught wrong. I’ve heard of one person mention how his pastor at the denominational church he was going to preached from the pulpit, don’t you ever let anyone tell you that you have to be baptized. And so that’s what he believed, until he started looking at the scriptures that we just mentioned. People can come to this conclusion because they are taught wrong but they can be taught right! Sadly though some will just hold on to death what they have been taught. You ask someone if they’ve been baptized for the remission of sins, and they will say, “no and it’s none of your business.” OK- if you don’t me to talk to you I wont. Hopefully that’s not any of us. Hopefully that’s not any of us about anything. Hopefully we are always willing to go back to the scriptures and be willing to discuss what we believe about anything. And if you have come to a different understanding about baptism. I would plead that you allow someone here to sit down and look at the scriptures with you. If you think that perhaps I have been taught wrong about the scriptures I would love to sit down and look at the scriptures with you. But sadly some will cling to such notions and will go so far to make false accusations if you ask any questions about their baptism. You don’t believe in the blood of Jesus, You don’t believe in God’s grace. You believe in water salvation. There’s all these charges made.
Imperfect Men What a contrast to… Some will hold to the death what they have been taught and will refuse to be questioned. Some will make charges against you if you question them. Jesus had answers for why he was baptized (all supported by scripture) Some will give reasons for baptism but none of them are supported by scripture. But sadly some will cling to such notions and will go so far to make false accusations if you ask any questions about their baptism. You don’t believe in the blood of Jesus, You don’t believe in God’s grace. You believe in water salvation. There’s all these charges made if you just question their baptism. It is amazing because if you asked Jesus he could give you reasons as to why he was baptized. All these reasons that are supported by scripture. In contrast to the sinless savior, you have sinful, imperfect man who refuse baptism and can’t give you a bible reason for why they were baptized. Because of course there are those who practice baptism but it isn’t for bible reasons. There is a problem in our religious world and the sooner we recognize this problem the better off everyone will be. we’ve got young people and people who have recently been baptized that will be told by other that they should not have been baptized for salvation. Throughout your lives it may be that someone refutes what you have done. But I’d like to take a moment to reassure you, that when you were baptized for the remisison of your sins, you were not wrong, you did what was right b/c you followed what Jesus and his apostles said, it’s those who oppose the words of Jesus who are wrong.
A Grievous Problem This is a problem in our religious world that needs to be recognized. People who have recently been baptized will have accusations made. Hope given: Man can have a change of heart The real point: A change of heart towards Jesus!! Jesus was willing to submit to the father (Phil. 2:8) Are we willing to do the same? But there is hope for these groups that have resisted. All men can have a change of heart. And the point is not to have a change of heart about baptism but about Jesus. Will we trust what Jesus said, if we trust Christ, we’ll get baptism right we’ll get everything right. Jesus what a radical he was, he was willing to submit to the father no matter what was asked of him, that’s true of his own baptism but that’s also why he died on the cross. (Phil. 2;8) Will we have that same heart, will we demonstrate that same submission? If you do, I hope you understand that will only bring you joy and peace and salvation, these are things that you can’t find anywhere else. This morning we would like to give you that opportunity that if you have not submitted to God in baptism that you would do so, that you would do this for the remission of your sins, trusting Jesus as his word! And that when you are baptized you understand that you are making a commitment to him, that you are not going to be baptized and just leave– but that you would become a kingdom servant. Submitting to God in all of your life. If we can help you in any way. Please come forward.