Third Missionary Journey Galatia and Phrygia Ephesus Macedonia and Greece Troas Miletus Jerusalem
Another Vague Route through Galatia and Phrygia
Another vague route through Asia Minor. Came to Ephesus.
Ephesus Prosperous, cultured city Capital of Asia Paul stayed 2+ years on Third Journey
Ephesus Harbor Road and Theater Large, important city High culture
Ephesus Street of the Curetes
Ephesus Library of Celsus Built in 110. Housed up to 12,000 scrolls.
Ephesus Temple of Hadrian 2 nd century. Divine honors to emperor. To curry his favor.
Ephesus Temple of Artemis One of “Seven Wonders of Ancient World.” About 400x200 ft. (4x larger than Parthenon). Ruins now covered by swamp.
Apollos in Ephesus Educated Jew from Alexandria. Taught about Jesus but knew only John’s baptism. Priscilla and Aquila taught him more accurately.
Paul in Ephesus Baptized disciples of John. Preached in synagogue 3 months. Moved to Hall of Tyrannus for 2 years. Long, important ministry (2-3 years); wrote most of Corinthian letters. Imprisonment theory. Riot fomented by silversmiths.
Ephesus Statue of Artemis “A man named Demetrius, a silversmith who made silver shrines of Artemis, brought no little business to the artisans.” (Acts 19:24) Silver shrines –miniature replicas either of the temple or of the goddess.
Ephesus “…they were enraged and shouted, "Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!" The city was filled with the confusion; and people rushed together to the theater, dragging with them…Paul's travel companions. Paul wished to go into the crowd, but the disciples would not let him.” (Acts 19:28-30)
Macedonia & Greece Spent 3 months in Greece. Preparing collection for Jerusalem. Wrote Romans.
Troas “On the first day of the week, when we met to break bread, Paul continued speaking until midnight.” (Acts 20:7)
Troas One of clearest NT references to worship on Sunday. “First day of week” is day of Resurrection. Danger of overly long sermons. Unclear whether Eutychus was not dead or was resuscitated.
Miletus Sends for elders from Ephesus. Long, tearful farewell address.
Return to Jerusalem Going to take collection for poor. 1)Symbolized unity of Church. 2)Coming of Gentiles to Jerusalem to worship Israel’s God. 3)Should provoke conversion of Jews. Forebodings of danger along way. Rom. 15:25-32 solicits prayer for Paul’s safety.