Moses threatens the Pharaoh that if he does not release the Hebrews from their slavery, God will send ten plagues upon the Egyptians. Time and time.


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Presentation transcript:

Moses threatens the Pharaoh that if he does not release the Hebrews from their slavery, God will send ten plagues upon the Egyptians. Time and time again, the Pharaoh refuses. BQPUE

Time and time again, the Pharaoh refuses and so God sends plagues of flies, frogs darkness, boils and finally the first born sons of Egyptians are killed by the Angel of Death

Moses parts the Red Sea Moses is given the Ten Commandments Moses dies The Exodus is the journey the Israelite slaves took to escape slavery in Egypt. Jews remember this event each year at Passover to remind themselves of how Jews have been persecuted (picked on) throughout history, especially during the Holocaust in World War Two



As much blood as possible must be drained from the animal.


The Gurdwara has a community kitchen called a LANGAR where people from any faith can eat. Everyone sits on the floor to be equal. Sikhs see this as helping others (SEWA) and they provide vegetarian food. This reflects Guru Nanak’s teachings of serving others and treating everyone the same.

Established in 1999, Khalsa Aid is an international non-profit aid and relief organization founded on the Sikh principles of selfless service and love for everyone. Sikhs work for free in disaster zones and Sikhs donate money to help run it.

The Making of the Khalsa and the Five K’s Guru Gobind Singh created the Khalsa, a spiritual brotherhood devoted to purity of thought and action. He gave the Khalsa an identity to remind them of their commitment to Sikhism. Every Sikh baptized as Khalsa vows to wear the Five "K's and they are proud to show their identity. h-of-the-khalsa/3780.html

A pilgrim is a person who goes on a special journey (or pilgrimage) to visit a place where an important religious miracle took place. You might have different reasons to go there such as to improve your health or to seek forgiveness for something you have done wrong. Pilgrimage also helps bring you closer to your religion and your God.

Three of the most important places for Christian pilgrimage are Canterbury Cathedral where Thomas Becket died and Walsingham in Norfolk where the Virgin Mary appeared. Christians also visit Lourdes in France as well as the city of Jerusalem in Israel. It was here that Jesus died on the cross