Puisse Dieu vous donner la force et le courage de faire suivre ce message à tous vos amis....
Church of Nativity in Bethlehem, where Jesus Christ born
Mother Mary's tomb
Place of ascension.Mark of the footstep of Christ is on the rock
Place where Jesus multiplied bread and fish.
Golgotha-Crucifixion place of Jesus
Jordan River, where John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ
Statue of brass snake made by Moses to rescue Israelites from the bite of venomous snake
Alter in church of annunciation in Nazareth
Grand old Olive trees in Gethsemane
Grand old stone jar in Cana
House of St Peter at Capernaum
Kumran mountain ranges, Where the dead sea scrolls
The place where Moses beaten on the rock with a stick and water gushed out
The rock in Gethsemane where Jesus Christ prayed just before crucifixion
Olive mount, where Jesus believed to be taught his deciples
Church built in Mount NEBO where Moises died and cremated
LORDS PRAYER malayalam Lords prayer displayed in Mount Olive