On the morning of Sunday, Jesus rose from the dead. This is why Sunday is the day of the Lord.
When the women went to embalm Jesus, the sepulchre was empty. Angels appeared to them. Do not look for Jesus here. Do not look for Jesus here. HE HAS RISEN!
Mary Magdalene was crying because she could not find the body of Jesus. And the Master appeared to her.
Then, He appeared to the disciples who were gathered together in the Cenacle.
Jesus also appeared to some disciples who were on their way to Emmaus.
One day, when the Apostles were fishing, Jesus appeared to them. And another miraculous catch took place.
Jesus went to Heaven and left the commandment to go to the whole world, and preach the Good News.
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to the Virgin Mary and the Apostles. Jesus, send us Your Spirit!
The Apostles fulfilled the commandment of Jesus, and baptized all those who believed in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus waits for us in Heaven. THE END