An example of longitudinal LFS weights Division for general methodology and standards
LFS panel sample sizes (number of households) for the years 2012 and 2013 Part Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2012/1 2397 1583 1138 997 874 2012/2 2412 1527 1161 972 840 2012/3 2388 1478 1143 995 877 2012/4 2461 1581 1252 1037 2013/1 2474 1611 1226 2013/2 2491 1660 1263 2013/3 2483 1638 2013/4 2473 annual overlap quarterly overlap
Data collection First wave – CAPI Repeated waves – (predominantly) CATI Nonresponding households from previous quarters are not included in the panel sample Response rate: in first wave – 66%; in repeated waves – 83% Average households size for responding households ~ 2,75 members
Number of responding individuals Year 2012 2013 Part Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2012/1 4498 3152 2752 2456 2204 2012/2 4360 3227 2686 2316 2163 2012/3 4167 3136 2767 2451 2214 2012/4 4318 3417 2858 2511 2013/1 4308 3308 2916 2013/2 4529 3507 2981 2013/3 4449 3455 2013/4 4330 annual overlap = 2725 quarterly overlap = 8586
Number of responding individuals – 15 years + 2012 2013 Part Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2012/1 3887 2715 2385 2123 1909 2012/2 3809 2826 2346 2026 1895 2012/3 3638 2723 2404 2137 1919 2012/4 3794 2991 2505 2209 2013/1 3751 2866 2533 2013/2 3934 3022 2563 2013/3 3937 3037 2013/4 3779 annual overlap = 4128 quarterly overlap = 7450
Non-response distribution of the longitudinal sample – 3rd to 4th quarter 2013 2012Q3 / 2012Q4 Households % 2nd wave 3rd wave 5th wave Sample 3769 1641 1252 876 Ineligible 3 0,1% 0,0% Response 3135 83,2% 77,2% 85,0% 91,8% Nonresponse 631 16,8% 22,7% 14,9% 8,2% - Refusals 425 67,4% 65,6% 71,7% 65,3% - Noncontacts 84 13,3% 14,8% 11,2% 11,1% - Other 122 19,3% 19,6% 17,1% 23,6%
Attrition by selected relevant characteristics of the household (completion rate)
Weighting steps Cross-sectional design weights (on strata and wave level) Cross-sectional non-response weghts (on strata and wave level) Longitudinal non-response wave (on strata level, to response statuses at the final quarter) Grossing up to population total (wave level) Calibration to demographic data (all data together, to first quarter situation) Calibration to main employment statuses (all data together, to first quarter situation) + Calibration to demographic data (all data together, to first quarter situation) + Calibration to main employment statuses (all data together, to first quarter situation)
Longitudinal population Q – Q (July 1st 2013 vs. Oct 1st 2013) 3th quarter 2013 3th and 4th quarter 2013 4th quarter 2013 Male Female 0 - 14 years 153.993 145.295 153.678 144.998 154.432 145.840 15 - 64 years 721.773 682.194 718.959 680.540 720.853 681.283 65 years + 143.892 211.967 142.177 209.948 145.170 213.085 Total 1.019.658 1.039.456 1.014.814 1.035.486 1.020.455 1.040.208 2.059.114 2.050.300 2.060.663
Longitudinal population Y – Y (Oct 1st 2012 vs. Oct 1st 2013) 4th quarter 2012 4h quarter 2012 and 2013 4th quarter 2013 Male Female 0 - 14 years 152.786 144.173 151.971 143.441 154.432 145.840 15 - 64 years 724.926 685.520 715.330 679.943 720.853 681.283 65 years + 140.765 209.953 133.570 200.967 145.170 213.085 Total 1.018.477 1.039.646 1.000.871 1.024.351 1.020.455 1.040.208 2.058.123 2.025.222 2.060.663
Basic descriptive statistics for the Q – Q longitudinal weight, compared to standard quarterly weight, 3rd quarter 2013 n mean stddev min q1 q3 max population W_LONG13q3 8.534 241,28 165,47 14,28 139,87 290,16 1.675,99 2.059.114 W_CROS13q3 15.486 132,97 90,25 10,79 76,44 159,86 1.100,41
Changes in main employment statuses for the cohort, interviewed in 3rd and 4th quarter 2013 – using longitudinal weight 2013Q3 / 2013Q4 Unemloyed Employed Inactive Population under 15 in 1000 % Unemployed 48 50 22 23 26 27 13 1 865 94 45 5 21 3 6 677 91 4 294 99
Changes in main employment statuses for the cohort, interviewed in 3rd and 4th quarter 2013 – using longitudinal weight 932 vs. 910 Employed 922 45 22 13 45 Uneemployed 96 Inactive 741 26 21 82 vs. 97 752 vs. 753
Relative standard errors for estimates of changes in main employment statuses for the cohort, interviewed in 3rd and 4th quarter 2013 – using longitudilan weight 2013Q3 / 2013Q4 Unemployed Employed Inactive Population under 15 CV % 6 12 10 15 1 9 13 8 23 2
Changes in main employment statuses for the cohort, interviewed in 3rd and 4th quarter 2013 – unweighted estimates 2013Q3 / 2013Q4 Unemloyed Employed Inactive Population under 15 % Unemployed 51 21 28 1 93 5 3 7 91 2 98
Y - Y
Basic descriptive statistics for the Y – Y longitudinal weight, compared to standard quarterly weight, 4rd quarter 2012 n mean stddev min q1 q3 max population W_LONG12q4 4.492 457,76 323,66 41,07 251,14 561,56 3.798,98 2.056.262 W_CROS12q4 14.407 142,73 98,09 15,65 81,96 170,59 1.225,36
Changes in main employment statuses for the cohort, interviewed in 4th quarter 2012 and 2013 – using longitudinal weight 2012Q4 / 2013Q4 Unemloyed Employed Inactive Population under 15 in 1000 % Unemployed 38 39 35 36 24 25 3 841 91 56 6 27 4 68 9 645 87 2 1 19 7 274 93
Relative standard errors for estimates of changes in main employment statuses for the cohort, interviewed in 4th quarter 2012 and 2013 – using longitudilan weight 2012Q4 / 2013Q4 Unemployed Employed Inactive Population under 15 CV % 9 13 11 15 2 14 88 16
Changes in main employment statuses for the cohort, interviewed in 4th quarter 2012 and 2013 – unweighted estimates 2012Q4 / 2013Q4 Unemloyed Employed Inactive Population under 15 % Unemployed 42 33 25 3 91 6 9 88 7 93
Conclusions & Open questions There are many possibilities to calculate longitudinal weights. At each separate stage of weighting process some assumptions have to be taken. Should we give priority to consistency of employment statuses, nonresponse adjustment, demographic distribution, at which point of time?