Building Suffolk as the Most Active County Richard Hunt, Head of Service Development (Culture, Sport and Communities) Suffolk County Council
Building the Most Active County… "A long term campaign, and a framework for partners to co-create, promote and commission sport, recreation and physical activity opportunities in Suffolk, delivering positive impacts on the health of local communities "
Suffolk County, District & Borough Councils Change4Life Suffolk Sport Voluntary and community sectors PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (Suffolk HWB) The Most Active County…facilitating more effective partnerships Physical activity stakeholders Business & private sector HAS Schools, SNC, UCS Schools HE/FE NHS Suffolk GY&W PCT Live Well Suffolk
Developing the ambition and the ‘how’ – the “what” will follow Some underpinning principles for the Most Active County will: Provide a co-ordinated, collaborative and strategic multi-agency approach to tackling inactivity and promoting more activity Convert the spirit of the 2012 Games into a healthy lifestyle legacy, specifically amongst young people Support communities to develop local capacity, including volunteering Utilise Suffolk’s physical assets and natural environment to support healthy active lifestyles Promote Suffolk as a unique sports event and festival destination for outdoor mass participation events
Adding value to Suffolk’s key agendas Efficiency savings through transformation Growth, jobs, skills and the local economy Health and Well being
A clear and compelling case for action… “Inactivity is a silent killer” (Chief Medical Officer, July 2011) Avoidable healthcare costs of £12.2 million per year in Suffolk can be attributed to physical inactivity
There is compelling evidence of the need to increase participation in physical activity (everyday activity, active recreation and sport). Only 20.9% of Suffolk adults take part in recommended levels of sport and active recreation 26.3% of adults in Suffolk are physically inactive 15.7% of year 6 children in Suffolk are obese 74% of people with a limiting disability undertake zero sport and active recreation compared to 40% of those with no limiting disability The statistics…
The inactive statistics…in detail NI8: Zero Days moderate intensity sport/active recreation each week (APS 4/5) AllMaleFemale Limiting Disability Age Over 55 / Over 65 Babergh 46.4%45.1%44.9%71.2%64.5% / 70.4% Forest Heath 45.4%38.5%54.0%69.1%68.2% / 72.9% Ipswich 50.3%45.7%56.2%74.5%70.4% / 73.8% Mid Suffolk 46.5%42.0%48.3%71.0%63.9% / 69.9% St Edmundsbury 44.5%40.2%50.1%70.5%57.1% / 59.1% Coastal 47.5%43.2%48.4%70.4%63.3% / 65.8% Waveney 52.6%47.9%53.8%77.8%67.7% / 69.8%
Service Outcomes- the effect of what we do Health Improvement: Helping people to live healthy lifestyles, make healthy choices, & reduce health inequalities Intermediate outcomes Tackling the wider determinants of Health: helping people to live healthy lifestyles & make healthy choices Increased access locally to sport and recreational opportunities More children and young people have a healthy lifestyle Sport and Physical Activity outputs- what we do 2012 legacy The School Games SuffolkYouth Games Sportivate (14-24 ages) Summer of Sport Games Makers Volunteering: 2012 event volunteers A host for mass participation events (demonstration effect): Great East Swim, Tour of Britain, Tour Ride, Sky Ride, Torch relay, Big Dance Sport contributing to the economic vitality of communities including charitable fund raising Improved health and well being Added value of utilising physical assets and natural environment Developing learning and skills in communities Overarching strategic outcomes (Healthy Lives, Healthy People) Improve the use of physical assets & environment: Active Travel plans, more use of school sports facilities, parks and open spaces, play space, influencing land use planning and street design Target interventions: Big Splash, Disability Sport Academy, GP referrals, Lets Get Moving, MEND, armchair exercise Improved access to sport/ PA for under represented groups Ageing well- A higher quality of life for older people More people manage their health & wellbeing needs through self-help Developing community led participation: Cycle Suffolk, Fit Villages, walking programmes, Improved community capacity Increased awareness and profile of healthier lifestyles Reduction in the number of people suffering from preventable conditions More people with disability engaged in sport and recreation More communities developing, designing and volunteering to deliver sport, and recreation Sport positively impacting on the lives of children and young people Benefits Reduction in sedentary behaviour Healthy life expectancy & preventable mortality: preventing people from dying prematurely & reduce health inequalities The Most Active County-outcome logic model More people happier with their positive lifestyle choices Vibrant economic communities Prevention of ill health: reducing the number of people living with preventable ill health Increased mental health resilience Increased participation by adults in sport and physical activity
Most Active County and Active Ageing Planning and design and use of Greenspace Market shaping – changing the provider offer Primary care to community provision pathways Use of technology / information Keeping it local, and sustainable -travel Creating a well being “habit” for life through challenge, reward, enjoyment, volunteering, removing barriers
Some good practice to build on Active Wellbeing (Dementia) Project Active St Eds County Events Volunteer Team Mass Participation -Great East Swim, ParkRuns, Health walks and festivals Active Travel Fit Villages
It is our leisure card A marketing tool Links with the Active Points initiative A legacy campaign from the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games Key messages: Bringing the community together Based on emotional intelligence and quality of life Engaging exisiting and new stakeholders What is Active St Eds?
In year 1 Active in 38 villages, incorporating 79 projects, 1600 participants Throughput -6,500 activations 49% of participants aged 50 plus, 5% participants with a disability 90% female participants ! “ The response of people attending classes has been great. The biggest feedback has been about its location. The Pavilion is in the heart of the village and most people are able to walk or it is just within five minutes in the car. Several people have commented that they would not have bothered to start a class if it had been further away, particularly in the dark, wintry months”
88.6% of participants said their activity made them feel fitter and healthier 56% of participants said that the project had helped them meet new people 84.2% of participants said they felt that local people were more likely to take part in physical activity as a result of the project 96.7% of participants said they enjoyed the activity sessions 83.9% of participants felt motivated to do more exercise as a result of taking part in the project “My husband, who has trouble with his knees, and myself have been attending chair based exercises for some months now. My husband hates exercise but comes with me for peace and quiet! It is however proving beneficial and this last week he has been able to balance on one leg for a few seconds- he is 81 this year! And we do laugh a lot.”
Sport England Partnership to reduce Inactivity –Proving sport can reduce inactivity –Economic Appraisal Tool –£5m in 2012/13 for piloting sports contribution
Most Active County, Ageing Well Whole system, collaborative and strategic commissioning effort Actively engage business and community sector Local community led approaches for success Emphasis “do something, do more” More robust evaluation – prevention and well being impact
Play your part in building the Most Active County… and ageing well