Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Analysis & Diagnosis 1
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Analysis & Diagnosis 2 The Conveyor Belt Conceptual Model
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Analysis & Diagnosis 3 The Warm Conveyor Belt (notes pages information)
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Analysis & Diagnosis 4 The Poleward view along the warm conveyor belt
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Analysis & Diagnosis 5 The View perpendicular to the warm conveyor belt
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Analysis & Diagnosis 6 Cold Conveyor Belt - CCB
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Analysis & Diagnosis 7 Dry Conveyor Belt - DCB
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Analysis & Diagnosis 8 DCB Cold Frontal Cross-section along Poleward Branch of the Dry Conveyor Belt (DCB) Cold air in Cold Conveyor Belt (CCB) deep and moist Warm Conveyor Belt (WCB) is deep, warm and moist CCB backs with height consistent with cold advection Mixing Zone Surface Cold Front Frontal slope is steeper than the typical 1:50 WCB oriented for less frontal lift Common area for deep instability A B A B WCB just ahead of cold front also typically backs with height WCB CCB Backing winds above the frontal zone indicative of anabatic cold front
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Analysis & Diagnosis 9 Preliminary Dry Conveyor Belt - PDCB
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Analysis & Diagnosis 10 The Conveyor Belt Conceptual Model and Vertical Stability
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Analysis & Diagnosis 11 Vertical Deformation Zone Distribution and the CBM Summary C C C C C WCB PDCB CCB DCB C
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Analysis & Diagnosis 12 The Conveyor Belt Conceptual Model and Frontal Characteristics – Anabatic - Katabatic
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Analysis & Diagnosis 13 Anabatic and Katabatic Fronts Related to the CBCM Consider the winds in the warm air above the frontal surface and apply the principle of continuity If the winds back either above a warm or cold frontal surface, convergence results above the front and the air must rise If the winds veer either above a warm or cold frontal surface, divergence results above the front and the air must sink Anabatic and Katabatic fronts can be located using the Deformation Zone CM applied to the Conveyor Belt CM.
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Active or Anabatic Warm Front
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Inactive or Katabatic Warm Front
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Active or Anabatic Cold front
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Cross Section of Active Cold Front
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Inactive or Katabatic Cold Front
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Cross Section of Inactive Cold Front
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Analysis & Diagnosis 20 Conveyor Belt Conceptual Model and Conveyor Belt Characteristics
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Analysis & Diagnosis 21 Vertical Deformation Zone Distribution and the CBM Simplified Summary C C WCB PDCB CCB DCB C The WCB overrides the warm front The CCB undercuts the warm front The frontal surface overlies the mixing layer Wind shear in the CCB is variable Looking along the flow: In WCB to the right of the Col expect veering winds with height – Katabatic warm front In WCB approach to the right of the Col expect maximum divergence – the eagle pattern with ascent and increasing pcpn In WCB to the left of the Col expect backing winds with height – Anabatic warm front
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Analysis & Diagnosis 22 The Precipitation Area Conceptual Model and the CBCM The virga trick is a subset of the precipitation area conceptual model The precipitation area (reaching the ground) increases with: Increasing relative humidity of the CCB –CCB relative humidity is related to: CCB characteristics given the source region CCB moistening by precipitation (and/or surface characteristics) Increasing vertical dynamics and isentropic lift along the frontal surface. –Vertical dynamics is related to: Warm frontal slope WCB component perpendicular to the frontal surface Katabatic versus anabatic frontal diagnosis
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Analysis & Diagnosis 23 WCB CCB Warm Frontal Cross-section along Leading Branch of the Warm Conveyor Belt (WCB) Cold air in Cold Conveyor Belt (CCB) deep and dry Moist portion of Warm Conveyor Belt (WCB) is high and veered from frontal perpendicular – katabatic tendency Dry lower levels of WCB originate from ahead of the system and backed from frontal perpendicular Mixing Zone Surface Warm Front Frontal slope is more shallow than the typical 1:200 Precipitation extends equidistant into the unmodified CCB Precipitation extends further into the moistened, modified CCB Increasing CCB Moistening WCB oriented for maximum frontal lift WCB oriented for less frontal lift Virga Precipitation Lower Hydrometeor Density Common location for virga A B A B WCB typically veers with height (it is after all, a warm front)
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Analysis & Diagnosis 24 WCB CCB Warm Frontal Cross-section along Central Branch of the Warm Conveyor Belt (WCB) Cold air in Cold Conveyor Belt (CCB) more shallow and moist Moist portion of Warm Conveyor Belt (WCB) is thicker, higher and perpendicular to front Lower levels of WCB have the same origin as the upper level of the WCB - frontal perpendicular Mixing Zone Surface Warm Front Frontal slope is near the typical 1:200 Precipitation extends further into the moistened, modified CCB. Horizontal rain area begins to expand as CCB moistens. Increasing CCB Moistening WCB oriented for maximum frontal lift Virga Precipitation Lower Hydrometeor Density Virga likely only on leading edge of WCB A B A B WCB shows little directional shift with height. A greater WCB depth is frontal perpendicular Precipitation At Surface
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Analysis & Diagnosis 25 WCB CCB Warm Frontal Cross-section along Trailing Branch of the Warm Conveyor Belt (WCB) Cold air in Cold Conveyor Belt (CCB) even more shallow and more moist Moist portion of Warm Conveyor Belt (WCB) is thicker, higher and backed from frontal perpendicular – anabatic tendency Lower levels of WCB have the same origin as the upper level of the WCB Mixing Zone Surface Warm Front Frontal slope likely steeper than the typical 1:200 Precipitation extends further into the moistened, modified CCB. Horizontal rain area expands rapidly as CCB moistened. Increasing CCB Moistening WCB oriented for maximum frontal lift Virga Precipitation Lower Hydrometeor Density Virga unlikely except along the leading edge of the WCB A B A B WCB probably backs slightly with height in spite of the warm air advection. A greater WCB depth is frontal perpendicular Precipitation At Surface
Radar Palet e Home Conveyor Belt CM Analysis & Diagnosis 26 The Precipitation Phase CM and the CBCM The precipitation area (reaching the ground) increases with: Increasing relative humidity of the CCB –CCB relative humidity is related to: CCB characteristics given the source region CCB moistening by precipitation (and/or surface characteristics) Increasing vertical dynamics and isentropic lift along the frontal surface. –Vertical dynamics is related to: Warm frontal slope WCB component perpendicular to the frontal surface Katabatic versus anabatic frontal diagnosis Add in a temperature parameter to deduce this.