GLP-1 (7-36 & 9-36) ELISA ‘Total Amide’ ‘Active’
GLP-1 Physiology- Publications with ‘Glucagon Like Peptide’ in Abstract to October, 2009= 837 Why Measure= to measure DPP-4 activity or GLP-1 secretion. What it is and What it does.. How and Where it acts.. When is it elevated and when decreased… Who does and Why they would want to measure? Relevant data.
Glucagon Like Peptide-1- (GLP-1) is mostly synthesized and secreted in response to nutrient ingestion (Carbohydrate, protein & lipids) from the intestinal L-Cells and plays multiple roles in metabolic homeostasis in response to food intake. Levels of circulating [GLP-1] rise substantially on food intake fasting= ↓[GLP-1] fed state = ↑ [GLP-1] What it is- GLP-1 Physiology- What it is- GLP-1 Physiology- Food Intake ↑ GLP-1 ↑ Insulin & ↑ C-Peptide ↓ Food Intake
Only one GLP-1 Receptor (GLP1R) has been identified and is found expressed in pancreatic islets (duct cells & β-cell ?α-cells), heart, kidney, CNS & the GI tract. GLP-1 Stimulates Insulin Secretion, regulates food intake and regulates [Glucose] What it is- GLP-1 Physiology- What it is- GLP-1 Physiology- GLP-1 is derived from prohormone convertase (PC1/3) cleavage of pro-glucagon to generate a 1-37 AA peptide. Very little is known about the biological activity of GLP-1 (1-37). 1-37 is further process to form the secreted forms: 7-36 and 7-37 (‘active’ t 1/2 ≈ 2min) → 9-36 and 9-37 (‘inactive’) ‘Active’ ‘inactive’
DPP-4 mediated ‘inactivation’ of GLP-1.. From 7-36 and 7-37 → 9-36 and 9-37 The 7 th & 8 th Amino Acids (His & Ala) mitigate binding The major circulating biologically active form of GLP-1 is GLP (~ ≥ 80%), with a lesser amounts of the bioactive GLP (~ < 20%). Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 (DPP-4, aka CD26) is a ubiquitous peptidase functions in two ways. The first is to bind adenosine deaminase and convey intracellular signals, largely in T-cells The second enzymatic function, when membrane bound and in circulation, DPP-4 has catalytic activity that mediates the cleavage of ‘active’ GIP, GLP-1 & GLP-2 to ‘inactive’ forms Some studies have suggested that GLP may be an antagonist (block) of GLP-1 action, but other studies have failed to reproduce this data…. Other studies have identified alternative activities for 9-36/37 The rapid inactivation of these peptides by DPP-4-mediated cleavage poses important challenges for therapeutic efforts directed at enhancing GIP and GLP-1 activity in vivo. Multiple therapeutic drugs and targets revolving around either elevating GLP-1 secretion and/or inhibiting DPP-4 activity, with the goal of increasing the overall ‘active’ [GLP-1] What it is- GLP-1 Physiology- What it is- GLP-1 Physiology-
GLP-1 and islet-↓ [glucagon] and ↑ [insulin] incretin response- GLP-1 is important in stimulating β-cell insulin secretion GLP-1 → ↑β-cell function ↑ β-cell glucose stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) ↓ overall β-cell stress as well as ER stress = (↑β-cell function) GLP-1 → ↑β-cell mass ↑ β-cell proliferation & differentiation ↓ apoptosis and/or β-cell death GLP-1 → ↓ glucagon secretion from α-cells, which further lowers blood glucose = (↓ HGO) preliminary evidence demonstrates that α-cells (Mix α/βcell ?) can be induced to secrete GLP-1 (through ↑ PC1/3 expression). ─ ┤ Glucagon receptors (multiple therapeutics targets) and ↑ GLP (active) secretion What it does- GLP-1 Physiology- β- cell Insulin + ↑ GSIS- Insulin ↓ [Glucose] α- cell Glucagon
o GLP-1 and the CNS & GI systems- ↓ [glucose] and ↓ food intake o GLP-1 is also synthesized in the brain stem and through axonal networks, delivered to the hypothalamus. Central and Peripheral GLP-1 acts in the CNS = (↑ satiety) o Numerous GLP-1 receptors are present in the CNS which can lead to ↓ in food intake (↑ satiety), and may control glucose flux in the liver and muscle as well as ↓ lipid storage in peripheral adipose tissue o ─ ┤ Gastric Emptying = (↑ satiety) o (?) Several studies have suggested that treatment with GLP-1 receptor agonists ( Incretin Mimetics ) &/or DPP4 Inhibitors may be associated with ↑ insulin sensitivity o (?, GLP-1 modulate insulin binding to insulin receptors) o GLP-1 action on CV System?? What it does- GLP-1 Physiology-
Publications with ‘Glucagon Like Peptide’ in Abstract to October, 2009= 837 Why Measure= to measure DPP-4 activity or GLP-1 secretion. GLP-1 Physiology-
GLP-1 Assay Devo Goal: Attain required specificity and improve sensitivity Result: Sensitivity was reached, but interference was ubiquitous
GLP-1 Assay Devo Fall 2009 Goal 1: Keep specificity and the improved sensitivity Goal 2: Fix linearity/Interference Goal 2: Fix linearity/Interference Result: Changed 1⁰ Ab (N-Term), reached goal