Welcome to this digital resource on the histology of the reproductive system. This resource is designed to aid your mastery of the reproductive histology by allowing you to revisit the material presented during lab. The material presented here corresponds with the material presented during lab. In fact you will need the lab exercise, the Histology of the Reproductive System to progress through this digital resource. We hope you find this material helpful. This resource should not take the place of slide observation in the laboratory. For you to fully appreciate histological detail and completely explore a slide of a reproductive structure you should directly observe the slide through the microscope. Also all slide tests involve histology presented through the microscope. A Digital Resource on the Histology of the Reproductive System
Male Reproductive : Testis Testis scanning Outer Capsule name
Male Reproductive : Testis Testis low Sperm Tubes name of tubes view arrangement of epithelium location of cell division location of sperm Cells between tubes name function
Male Reproductive : Testis Testis high Sperm Tubes name of tubes view arrangement of epithelium location of cell division location of sperm Cells between tubes name function
Male Reproductive : Epidiymis Epididymis low Epithelium type free surface structure(s) Lumen contents Muscle type arrangement function
Male Reproductive : Epidiymis Epididymis high Epithelium type free surface structure(s) Lumen contents Muscle type arrangement function
Male Reproductive : Prostate Prostate low Nature of Organ solid or hollow Alveoli visible yes or no stain tissue type Concretions visible yes or no Muscle arrangement job Urethra visible yes or no type of structure view
Male Reproductive : Prostate Prostate high Alveoli visible yes or no stain tissue type Concretions visible yes or no
Female Reproductive : Ovary Ovary scanning Entire organ junction cortex and medulla Nature of medulla vascular yes no follicles yes no oocytes yes no
Female Reproductive : Ovary Ovary low Entire organ junction cortex and medulla Nature of medulla vascular yes or no follicles yes or no oocytes yes or no
Female Reproductive : Ovary Ovary low Cortex primordial follicle primary follicle secondary follicle Graffian follicle structures attached to ovum during ovulation
Female Reproductive : Ovary Ovary high Cortex primordial follicle
Female Reproductive : Ovary Ovary high Cortex primary follicle
Female Reproductive : Ovary Ovary high Cortex secondary follicle
Female Reproductive : Ovary Ovary high Cortex Graffian follicle structures attached to ovum during ovulation
Female Reproductive : Uterus Uterus scanning Luminal Surface type of epithelium Endometrium location process of change locate functionalis locate basalis locate glands describe glands Myometrium type of muscle arrangement function
Female Reproductive : Uterus Uterus low Luminal Surface type of epithelium Endometrium location process of change locate functionalis locate glands describe glands
Female Reproductive : Cervix Cervix low Endocervical Canal type of epithelium Cervical Glands present yes or no compare to uterine glands External Os two types of epithelium
Female Reproductive : Cervix Cervix low Endocervical Canal type of epithelium Cervical Glands present yes or no compare to uterine glands External Os two types of epithelium
Female Reproductive : Cervix Cervix low Endocervical Canal type of epithelium Cervical Glands present yes or no compare to uterine glands
Female Reproductive : Vagina Vagina low Luminal Epithelium type of epithelium compare to uterine epithelium function of vaginal epithelium
Female Reproductive : Vagina Slide Vagina high Luminal Epithelium type of epithelium compare to uterine epithelium Function of vaginal epithelium
Mammary Glands : Inactive vs. Active Inactive lpActive lp Points of Comparison development of alveolipresence of secretory products relative amount of connective tissuedevelopment of lobules
Mammary Glands : Inactive vs. Active Inactive hpActive hp Points of Comparison development of alveolipresence of secretory products relative amount of connective tissuedevelopment of lobules