Post-socialist trade unions Simon Clarke
Overview Trade unions under state socialism Trade unions and the collapse of state socialism Constraints on post-socialist trade unions Post-socialist unions in the workplace Higher level trade unions Conditions of Union Success Post-socialist trade unions and employers Post-socialist industrial relations Future prospects
Trade Unions Under State Socialism Trade unions an integral part of the Party-state Perform state functions –Productivity and labour discipline –Social welfare –Monitor management on behalf of Party Integrated into the Party-state apparatus –Parallel structures –Subordination to the Party –Democratic centralism
Trade unions and the collapse of state socialism Declaration of trade union independence –Independence of Party and state: NGOs Renunciation of democratic centralism –Voluntary affiliation to higher bodies –Democratic election of officers –Primary organisations control dues Transformation of trade union functions –From state monitoring agency –To representative of members’ interests
Constraints on post-socialist trade unions Institutional reproduction first priority Politically vulnerable to loss of legal rights and confiscation of assets Higher bodies have to retain affiliation (and income flows) from lower bodies Dissociation of levels of trade union Each level has to seek institutional reproduction at its own level
Post-socialist unions in the workplace No immediate impact in the workplace Trade unions remained part of management apparatus - personnel management and social welfare functions Management used trade union to lobby government Industrial conflict transformed into political demands Not only in public services and state enterprises
Higher level trade unions Trade unions sought to prove their importance for the state Retention of state functions: social insurance, health and safety etc. Social partnership: trade union involvement in tripartite structures Price of social partnership: trade union commitment to social peace
Conditions of Union Success Trade union strategy most effective where: –Weak/unstable governments –Worker mobilisation played a role in collapse of state socialist system –Trade unions able to mobilise protest movements when government rejects tripartism –National governments seek EU accession
Post-socialist trade unions and employers Survival of trade union in workplace depends on collaboration with employers Trade union and employer make common cause against government –Highest trade union density in public sector –Lowest in new private sector Trade unions promote formation of employers’ organisations
Post-socialist industrial relations Politicisation of trade unionism Incorporation of trade unions into tripartite structures of consultation Creation of employers’ associations as trade union allies Worker activism diverted into political channels: lobbying and symbolic protests Low levels of industrial action
Future prospects Politicisation of trade unions was a structurally constrained strategic choice EU integration, WTO limit scope for collaborative lobbying Global competition undermines trade union collaboration with employers –Increased union-busting –Increased workplace industrial conflict Likely increase in trade union militancy alongside decline in trade union organisation