Market socialism
First: the concept of market socialism Market socialism is the theoretical result to explore the socialist being compatible with market economy more than a century in foreign countries, gradually shifting from economic system mode to political system reform.
First: the concept of market socialism A) the concept of market socialism proposing First, the “Lange model“( 兰格模式 ) as the symbol. This view ——from the Origin of market socialism, that "Lange model" proposed that the beginning of market socialism, which "market socialism" should be made1920s-1930S 30.
First: the concept of market socialism Second, David. Miller ( 米勒 )that “market socialism” concept as the symbol. In this view, the British economist David. Miller. put forward the concept of market socialism clearly in 1980s "market socialism" made in this time.
First: the concept of market socialism B) the connotation( 内涵 ) of the concept of market socialism 1. From the "combination of public ownership and market economy" perspective. Britain‘s “Encyclopedia Britannica” (大不列颠百科全书) —— “market socialism, also known as the freedom of socialism , is a socialist that coordinated planning economy and free enterprise. Enterprises in the public, but the production and consumption from the control of the Government's plan but market forces.
First: the concept of market socialism "United States" New Palgrave Economy Dictionary ( 新帕尔格雷夫经济学大 词典 ),-----"the more authoritative statement:" market socialism is an economic system or theoretical model (or concept), in which economic system in public or collective ownership of production, and resource allocation will follow the market laws "
First: the concept of market socialism 2. From the "socialist value target". This view of the market generally defined as the social system of socialism. In 1990, the French economist, M. Lavin : "market socialism should not only protect the inherent socialism from capitalism, but also to retain the social values of some socialist doctrine. “ Romer and American economists : Market Socialism: the current debate that market socialism is an economic system, which has been put into practice a mixture of socialism and capitalism in many ways.
Second: the theory Origin of market socialism the theoretical model of market socialism with "Lange model" for the start, but the origin of market socialism can be traced back more than a century ago. The first British "cooperative market socialism model" theory traceability; one of "Lange model" anchored "market socialist model". In the later development, both the evolution of the two major markets were the socialist model - "workers self-managed" market socialism and the "manager business market socialism model".
Second: the theory Origin of market socialism B) "Lange model" theory origin the great debate on socialist economy theory the great debate on Socialist economic problems is "Lange Model" an important theoretical basis for the later "manager business model of" market socialism important theoretical origin. 1. The socialist economic calculation debate o.
Second: the theory Origin of market socialism 2. The problem of socialist economic accounting process. First, the debate was launched: on socialism, "resource allocation" debate on the issue. Second, the development of the debate: on the socialist "economic calculation" debate on the issue. Third, the deepening of the debate: on the socialist "economic information" debate on the issue. Fourth, the end of the debate: the birth of market socialism.