Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic 1917-1991.


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Presentation transcript:

Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic

Prelude to Revolution Notes: Alexander III was a very harsh and oppressive Tsar, creating a lot of opposition in the country

Nicholas II Notes: Weak ruler, indecisive, great self- doubt Marries Alexandria (German Princess) who is much stronger than he Mother is a dominant factor in Tsar’s life Tsar does not understand historic changes taking place 17 th Century thinking in 20 th Century world Classical Education

Candid Camera!

Timeline of Events 1905 – Russo-Japanese War Russia defeated by the Japanese for economic control in Manchuria. Signs the Treaty of Portsmouth. Japanese acquired land and economic interests in the southern Manchuria rail system. Video Clip – Days that Shook the World

Revolution 1905 – Bloody Sunday Workers demand rights by taking a petition, led by Father Gapon, to the Tsar!

The Winter Place

1907 – Duma/Tsar Conflict (Duma has no real power used to placate the masses) 1911 – Food shortages due to too much rain 1914 – WWI (1 rifle for every 3 men)

1917- (Feb/March) – Tsar Resigns – he is angry about his loss of power 1917 – Feb/Oct – P.M. Kerensky – Russia has a Parliamentary Democracy 1917 – Oct/Nov – Bolshevik Revolution 1917 – Russia signs the Treaty of Brest- Litovsk – large territorial and population loss for Russia Lenin gains support for his promise of Peace, Land and Bread. Video Clip

Civil War Reds vs. Whites Interference by the “Allied” powers of WWI Red color of communism (Bolsheviks) White Color of the nobility (Mensheviks) Lenin rises to power

War Communism The Bolshevik government begins to collectivize farming and industry. Discussion: Why wasn’t war communism successful? –Not sure? Check out page 76 –Think, pair, share Why was it difficult to institute communism?

1921 – Lenin’s N.E.P. New Economic Policy Re-introduce small time capitalism –Allow people to grow veggies and sell in market or open small restaurants –Discussion: What is the purpose of Lenin’s N.E.P? Was it more successful than War Communism? Why?

Soviet Council Lenin TrotskyStalin Lenin is the how to guy falls ill (stroke) and dies. Trotsky is the philosopher and Lenin’s choice of successor. Has an untimely accident. Stalin – ruthless, uses the appointment of General Secretary to centralize power and be rid of his opponents.

Rise of Stalin Stalin is leader of the USSR 1928 – 1933 – 1 st 5 Year Plan = Collectivization – 2 nd 5 Year Plan = Heavy Industry (advances about 150 years in 10!) 1935 – Purges begin, great show trials; Stalin eliminates many top army officers and party officials Creates NKVD (i.e. Committee for Public Safety)

The liquidation of people in the great purge of The destruction of 4 million Ukrainians and 2 million other people in the man-made and systematically perpetrated “dekulakisation” famine of The Great Purge

Estimates range from 5 to 7 million Ukrainians killed due to Man Made Famine.

1939 – Nazi-Soviet Pact How do the two Political Cartoons depict the relationship between the Nazis and Soviets ? Assignment: Create a title for the cartoons. What is the importance of the Nazi-Soviet Pact?

1941 – Great Patriotic War Begins The Soviet Union takes the side of the Allies after Germany attacks. Stalin rallies the Soviets with the war cry of: “We fight for Mother Russia” WWII Begins Show Pin